https://momentum-fw.dev · Install · Features · Discord
The goal of this firmware is to constantly push the bounds of what is possible with Flipper Zero, driving the innovation of many new groundbreaking features, while maintaining the easiest and most customizable user experience of any firmware. Fixing bugs promptly and ensuring a stable and compatible system is also of our utmost importance.
- Momentum-Firmware - Feature-rich, stable and customizable Flipper Firmware
- Momentum-Apps - Bundle of external apps tweaked for Momentum Firmware
- video-game-module - Video Game Module firmware with screen color customization
- flipperzero-protobuf - RPC specification with screen color parameters and keyboard input request
- Asset-Packs - Bundle of asset packs for Momentum Firmware
- Momentum-Website - Main website source code
- flipper-update-indexer - Backend indexer for update server
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