Welcome to the code repository for the alternative splicing analysis of the paper:
📄 TAF2 condensation in nuclear speckles links basal transcription factor TFIID to RNA splicing
This repository houses the code used to generate the plots in figure 6 presented in the paper. The code is organized into R
quarto notebooks. There are two notebooks that perform the alternative splicing analysis in the TAF2 and SRRM2 Knockdown datasets respectively and one main notebook to integrate the data.
For easy access to each analysis report, visit our main homepage with direct links to the analysis reports: 🔗 Main Homepage
Feel free to explore the code and reproduce our findings! 🌟
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Bhuiyan T.†, Mendoza Sanchez P.K., Arecco N., Kim J., Nizamuddin S., Prunotto A., Tekman M., Biniossek M.L., Koidl S., Hugel T., Arnold S.J.† (2024). TAF2 condensation in nuclear speckles links basal transcription factor TFIID to RNA splicing BioRχiv. DOI: 10.1101/2024.02.05.578926 † Correspondance