Displaying geojson data on folium using python
This script uses the folium library to create and manipulate an interactive map. The map is centered at a given latitude and longitude and has a starting zoom level of 6. Two layers are added to the map, one called 'Surface Type' and one called 'Surface Condition'. The 'Surface Type' layer colors features red if their surface type is 'Gravel', 'Earth', or 'Track', and green otherwise. The 'Surface Condition' layer colors features green if their surface condition is 'Good', orange if it is 'Fair', and red otherwise.
To run this script, you will need to install the folium library. To do this, use pip:
pip install folium
To use the script, simply run it using Python:
python map.py
This will create an HTML file called 'Map1.html' that contains the interactive map.
To contribute to the script, please submit a pull request on GitHub.