- Create your openai account at OpenAI platform
- Then go to your profile [OpenAI profile link] (https://platform.openai.com/settings/profile)
- Select API keys from left side pane.
- click the generate new secret key.
- Copy your key and paste it in the application.properties file in (OpenAI.apiKey) property.
from the command line run the following command
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Or you can run it with your IDE.
By default, the application url is http://localhost:9878
Enter the full path of ofbiz UI Labels XML file you want to translate.
Select the locale you need to translate to.
Click view contents.
A list of labels with English by default with selected locale labels will be loaded from the xml file, notice the suffix for the label order lbl_xxxx.
If no translation keys exists for the selected locale it will be added automatically.
Now you can translate the labels with the following options.
- Your own transaltion by directly writing in the textarea, then click Update.
- By GPT api by press GPT Translate button, then click Update.
- Or you can translate ranges with GPT, but you have to put the range in the header of the page in the following format ( start - end ) like 1 - 100
- Make sure to check/uncheck Skip existing translations as needed
- Notice the suffix for the label key, lbl_xxxx this is used for range translate.