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I'm trying to build my own Operating System and its kernel (Project still in progress). So far I implemented:

  • The bootloader
  • Global Descriptor Table (GDT), so I can switch to 32-bit Protected mode
  • Simple LBA driver to read from disk in protected mode (Because we can't use INT 0x13 from BIOS anymore)
  • VGA 16-color text mode
  • Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)
  • Simple memset function
  • Remapped Master & Slave PICs
  • Dynamic memory (.e.g heap memory & malloc like functions)
  • Memory paging

Testing Interrupts

This screenshot shows the output in qemu after I devided by zero in to trigger the interrupt 0 in IDT image

This screenshot shows the output after pressing a key on the keyboard (This is after remapping the PICs so the interrupt called here is 0x21) image

Clone & Run

Clone the repository

git clone && cd EchoOS

Building the source and running it

./ && make run


To build the code successfully, you need to set up:

  1. QEMU emulator
  2. GCC Cross-Compiler
  3. A tree structure that looks like this (in the root of the project):
├── bin
├── build
│   ├── disk
│   ├── idt
│   ├── io
│   └── memory
│       ├── heap
│       └── paging