Serialised representations of AMEE datasets and methodologies.
This repository contains serialised representations of the datasets and calculation methodologies available via the AMEE API.
Each dataset/methodology is described by a common set of files which contain the following information:
- itemdef.csv - an abstract description of the components of the dataset (i.e. table columns) and methodology (inputs, outputs, return values)
- data.csv - a table of data, usually describing specific scenarios relating to an emissions-producing activity
- default.js - a javascript algorithm which describes the computation of some output (usually emissions) based on certain inputs and dataset data
- return_values.csv - description of any calculation output values. In some cases this may be absent and only a single output is provided based upon the final evaluated statement in the default.js algorithm.
- documentation.creole - text file contain a written description of the dataset/methodology and which appears in
- meta.yml - metadata for the dataset/methodology include source information, annotations and tags
- changelog.yml - a description of changes made
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