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Dua App

This project had started as a part of Prayer Time App. But we believe it's need to be separated for more and more Dua will be added and we need to describe them and cross reference them with Shariyah.

So feel free to contribute along the way.


  • React.js
  • Styled-components
  • React-icons
  • React PWA template


  • netlify

Contribution Guide

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone the forked repo to your local machine
  3. Run npm i or npm install in the terminal to install all the dependencies
  4. Start the project in your local server by running npm start in the terminal.
  5. Do the necessary changes in the required files
  6. Create commit for every file change and
  7. Please follow the sticker guide in the comment for every commit:
    • πŸ’… for any style change
    • πŸ¦„ for any asset change
    • πŸ› οΈ for any code change other than style
    • πŸ“• for any data change in .json or .md files
    • 🏷️ for adding a new file/folder
    • 🧩 for any package addition
    • πŸͺ²[one of the above] for any bug fix
  8. Raise a Pull request (don't forget to name it appropriately, and I would love the practice of describing changes in the comment section of the Pull Request) in the main repository for review.

What's next?
Akhlak Hossain Jim will review your code, and if there is an issue with the code, he will add a comment there you can solve those, and/or if everything looks fine your Pull Request will be merged.