This gym leverages NS3 and WebRTC, which can be used by reinforcement learning or other methods to build a Bandwidth Controller for WebRTC.
You can use this Gym by a Python interface that was defined in Here is an example gym-example to use this Gym training a bandwidth estimator.
git clone gym
cd gym
sudo apt install libzmq5 python3 python3-pip
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install Docker
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
If your OS is ubuntu18.04 or ubuntu20.04, we recommend you directly downloading pre-compiled binary, and please skip the step Build Gym binary
The pre-compiled binary can be found from the latest GithubRelease. Please download and uncompress it in the current folder.
tar -xvzf target.tar.gz
make init
make sync
make gym # build_profile=debug
If you want to build the debug version, try make gym build_profile=debug
python3 -m pytest alphartc_gym
Thanks SoonyangZhang provides the inspiration for the gym