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Ivan edited this page Feb 21, 2016 · 6 revisions

OpenWIM - Open Science and Weigh in Motion Research

Notification by the International Scientific Commmittee (abstract n°35)

Topic Poor Average Good Excellent
1. Scientific Quality X
2. Quantity of Material Covered X
3. Originality X
4. Relevance to Conference Objectives X
5. Presentation and Language X
6. Objectivity X

Recommendations of the Scientific Committee(mandatory for the authors)

In which countries do you want to advocate this open source procedure? The idea of having a common structure for WIM data is not new (project FiWi, other US projects). Please start the paper with a literature review and explain what is original in your approach. WIM data are mostly sensitive data and have some monetary value (for road owners, the governments or the WIM system owners). Therefore these stakeholders may refrain these data dissemination. How do you overcome this?

Recommendations of the Reviewer 3

The first and the fourth paragraph are repeated.


4 - WIM data quality, management, and use

Decision of the Scientific Committee

Accept with minor revisions


In which countries do you want to advocate this open source procedure?

This work is being done in Internet open repositories, so has no a specific country that will be benefited by this concept. As like as another areas, like the Medicine in USA, the adoption of this concept can be forced by law or by research programs specifications.

The idea of having a common structure for WIM data is not new (project FiWi, other US projects). Please start the paper with a literature review and explain what is original in your approach.

In the literatures it can be found some research about recommendations of WIM data structures and formats, like "Cleaning Weigh-in-Motion Data: Techniques and Recommendations" (Enright and OBrien, 2011) and in the final report of COST 323 (Jacob, OBrien and Jehaes, 2002), in the Section 12 and Appendix IV, where some aspects about data storage, processing, transmission and standard format is presented.

But despite these information in these research, it should exist some document more objective and specific about data structure and (open) format recommendations. Additionally, this data should be stored in open repositories to can be read by anyone.

With these initial data template, any new research can be start up with less unnecessary rework.

WIM data are mostly sensitive data and have some monetary value (for road owners, the governments or the WIM system owners). Therefore these stakeholders may refrain these data dissemination. How do you overcome this?

The goal of this study is not present a definitive solution to some posible intention of stakeholders to refrain the WIM data dissemination. Instead, this study aims to show the importance and benefits of WIM data dissemination. Some comparison to medical research in USA will be used to show how can be posible to achieve these goals.

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