A simple DuckHunt IRC bot, simular to Gonzobot's but coded from scratch, with more features like rounds and stats.
- Python3.7 or above (probably)
- Install irc
- Make a copy of examplesettings.py named settings.py
- Fill out the values in settings.py
- Run the bot with
python3 duckhunt.py
Public commands
- !bang (shoot the duck)
- !bef (make friends with the duck)
- !allduckstats (shows general game stats)
- !duckstats [nick] (With a parameter it shows stats for nick, without it shows stats for the sender)
- !ducks (shows how many ducks you killed and befriended)
- !goggles (60% chance of locating a duck in the distance)
- !snipe (using the directions from !goggles the player can snipe the located duck)
- !killers N
- !friends N
- N is optional - Can be a positive number. No N or 1 shows top10, 2 shows 11-20 etc etc
- !duckhelp cmd - Example: !duckhelp !killers shows help for !killers - If no command is given, shows list of commands.
Duckops commands (In private messages)
- !merge somenick someothernick (Moves somenick's ducks to someothernick's ducks
- !ducklines N (sets the amount of lines a duck will spawn at to N lines. If no parameter is sent, it shows the current setting)
- !misschance 0-100 (sets the chance of missing a shot or a.. befriending)
- !duckdown (kills the bot)
Extra feats
- NickServ identification
- You can have the duck fly away after a period of time you choose
- Find a duck in the distance with !goggles and !snipe it
- The duck will requack when it's hasn't been shoot
- Set a score target at which the round ends, stats remain but scores are wiped, starting the game from scratch.