Jenkins deployment configuration, fully pre-configured and ready-to-go.
Pre-configured for test suite to test against
PAVICS deployment, see
Still generic enough that any additional jobs/configurations can be added, see
in env.local.example
Note the PAVICS-e2e-workflow-tests
job above brings its own Docker runtime
environment so this Jenkins config do not have to change for any new jobs
Ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your Linux host.
One time setup
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ../my-cert/id_rsa_jenkins
cp env.local.example env.local
$EDITOR env.local # customize to your needs
Start Jenkins master and slave
./ up -d
Access Jenkins at
those variables are from your customized env.local
is just a wrapper around docker-compose
so all valid
docker-compose use-cases and command-line options are supported.
Upgrade instructions
./ down -v # only delete anonymous data volume
git pull
# update env.local with new variables from env.local.example if needed
scripts/ # backup to /tmp
./ up -d
# multibranch pipeline jobs might need a manual "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now"
# to keep Stage View intact
See canarie-presentation/presentation.slides.html for a demo run of this repo. Github do not play the presentation, you'll have to download it and open it locally with your internet browser (tested with Firefox and Chromium/Chrome only).
This deployment uses named docker volume for data persistance. Two named
volume will be created and will survive ./ down -v
- jenkins_master_home_$JENKINS_MASTER_PORT
- jenkins_slave_home_$JENKINS_MASTER_PORT
The jenkins_master_home one is important as it contains build history, logs and user passwords.
The jenkins_slave_home only contains the workspaces where the build occurred.