This is the resouce of nap.consent add-on. The aim of this add-on is to conduct and manage a survey to collect information about the Physiome Model Repository (PMR) user perception and behaviour when searching for information regarding to biosimulation models.
Here, I will describe the add-on installation and activation process, and it's features.
The survey works by utilising cookies and local storages. There are 9 cookies and 4 local storages that have functions:
- Manage user consent
- Temporarily stored user's answer. The answer, then, is send to the server by the next request.
User answers are manage in server using persistance object.
Installation step on the PMR:
- Edit buildout.cfg, add this code inside the file
develop = ${testing:develop}
- Edit deploy-all.cfg, add this code inside the file
develop =
- Build the add-on:
# /etc/init.d/pmr2.zeoserver stop
# /etc/init.d/pmr2.instance stop
# bin/buildout
# bin/buildout -c deploy-all.cfg
# /etc/init.d/pmr2.zeoserver start
# /etc/init.d/pmr2.instance start
- Log in as admin, then access Site Setup page
- Select the add-ons page
- Activate Project Consent 1.0
Select Project Consent 1.0 and then activate it.
- Configure the add-on by following Consent Settings link
- Setting the add-on
The most important action in this step is allowing the survey to be accessed by users. It can be done by selecting Allow consent checkbox and save it. You can also modify the title and content of survey's invite.
Download survey results
Erase data from server
- How often do you usually access the PMR?
- Type of question: Multiple choice.
- Possible answers:
- On a daily basis
- Several times every week
- First time user or very rarely
- Direction:
- Please select one answer.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- I have a particular biomedical domain of interest (e.g. cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, immunology, etc)
- Type of question: Likert scale 1.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 and 5.
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (no interest) and 5 (strong interest)
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- I have a particular biophysical mechanism of interest (e.g. electrophysiology, ion transport, gene regulation, etc)
- Type of question: Likert scale 1.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 and 5.
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (no interest) and 5 (strong interest).
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- A concise informative snippet is needed for each model presented in the result list.
- Type of question: Likert scale 2.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 and 5.
- the question is not relevant
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (strongly disagree) and 5 (strongly agree) or indicate the question is not relevant
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- What kind of information do you require to be presented by a snippet?
- Type of question: Multiple selection.
- Possible answer:
- Biomedical domain
- Biophysical mechanism
- Anatomical location
- Species
- Tissue
- Scale
- Type of Maths
- Other (specify)
- Direction:
- Please select one or more answer.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- How important a query suggestion feature will be for you?
- Type of question: Likert scale 1.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 and 5.
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (not useful at all) and 5 (extremely useful)
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- How satisfied are you with the content of the results list?
- Type of question: Likert scale 2.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 and 5.
- the question is not relevant
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (not satisfied at all) and 5 (extremely satisfied) or indicate the question is not relevant.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- How satisfied are you with the presentation of the results list?
- Type of question: Likert scale 2.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 and 5.
- the question is not relevant
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (not satisfied at all) and 5 (extremely satisfied) or indicate the question is not relevant.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- Regarding your information needs which link on this page is the most suitable for you?
- Type of question: Multiple choice.
- Possible answer:
- Documentation
- Model Metadata
- Model Curation
- Mathematics
- Generated Code
- Cite this model
- Source View
- Other (specify)
- Direction:
- Please select one answer.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- Regarding your information needs which part on this page is the most suitable for you?
- Type of question: Multiple choice.
- Possible answer:
- Model Status
- Model Structure
- Schematic Diagram
- Original Paper
- Reference
- Other (specify)
- Direction:
- Select one possible answer.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- Thanks for your feedback. What else could we do to improve the overall search experience?
- Type of question: short text.
- Possible answer:
- Suggestions about how to improve the overall search experience.
- Direction:
- Please type your suggestions about how to improve the overall search experience.
- Please use a maximum of 100 characters.
- Please do not put any personal information. Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- How relevant are the results to the information you are looking for?
- Type of question: Likert scale 2.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 (not relevant at all) and 5 (extremely relevant).
- the question is not relevant
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (not relevant at all) and 5 (extremely relevant) or indicate the question is not relevant.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- If this is the page you are looking for how fast can you get this page?
- Type of question: Likert scale 2.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 and 5.
- the question is not relevant
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (extremely slow) and 5 (extremely fast) or indicate the question is not relevant.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- If this is the page you are looking for how easy/intuitive was it to get to this page?
- Type of question: Likert scale 2.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 and 5.
- the question is not relevant
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 (extremely difficult) and 5 (extremely easy) or indicate the question is not relevant.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.
- If you used the browse feature instead of searching how easy was is it to find information you were looking?
- Type of question: Likert scale 2.
- Possible answer:
- a number between 1 (extremely difficult) and 5 (extremely easy).
- the question is not relevant
- Direction:
- Please select a value between 1 and 5 or indicate the question is not relevant.
- Press the “Submit Answer” button.