This GitHub Action runs Pester tests in PowerShell, producing code coverage and test result artifacts. It automates many tasks to streamline continuous integration for PowerShell projects:
- Installation and import of required modules.
- Automatic merging of default configuration, test suite configuration, and direct inputs into a final Pester configuration.
- Uploading of test results and coverage reports.
- Clear step summary in GitHub's job logs.
- This action.
The action's behavior is controlled by a layered configuration system, which merges settings from multiple sources in a specific order. The highest-priority settings override lower-priority ones. The order of precedence is as follows:
Setting | Default | Test Suite | Direct Inputs | Result |
SettingA |
X |
X |
SettingB |
X |
Y |
Y |
SettingC |
X |
Y |
Z |
Z |
This last-write-wins strategy means you can set global defaults while retaining the flexibility to override them at the action level.
The action defaults use the PesterConfiguration
Default Configuration
TestDrive = @{
Enabled = $true
TestResult = @{
TestSuiteName = 'Pester'
OutputFormat = 'NUnitXml'
OutputEncoding = 'UTF8'
OutputPath = 'testResults.xml'
Enabled = $false
Run = @{
ExcludePath = $null
Exit = $false
SkipRun = $false
Path = '.'
Throw = $false
PassThru = $false
SkipRemainingOnFailure = 'None'
ScriptBlock = $null
Container = $null
TestExtension = '.Tests.ps1'
Output = @{
CILogLevel = 'Error'
StackTraceVerbosity = 'Filtered'
RenderMode = 'Auto'
CIFormat = 'Auto'
Verbosity = 'Normal'
Debug = @{
ShowNavigationMarkers = $false
ShowFullErrors = $false
WriteDebugMessagesFrom = @(
WriteDebugMessages = $false
ReturnRawResultObject = $false
TestRegistry = @{
Enabled = $true
CodeCoverage = @{
Path = $null
OutputEncoding = 'UTF8'
CoveragePercentTarget = '75'
UseBreakpoints = $true
ExcludeTests = $true
RecursePaths = $true
OutputPath = 'coverage.xml'
SingleHitBreakpoints = $true
Enabled = $false
OutputFormat = 'JaCoCo'
Should = @{
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Filter = @{
Line = $null
Tag = $null
ExcludeLine = $null
FullName = $null
ExcludeTag = $null
If your test suite contains a Pester config file (e.g., MyTests.Configuration.psd1
or Pester.Configuration.ps1
), the action loads and merges
those settings on top of the defaults.
Finally, any inputs specified under the with:
clause in your GitHub Action workflow override both the default and test suite config.
If you specify CodeCoverage_Enabled: true
here, it will enable coverage even if the test suite config says otherwise.
Prerequisite Setup
- Installs required PowerShell modules if they're not present.
- Imports the modules so the testing framework is ready to use.
Loading Inputs and Configuration
- Loads a default Pester configuration.
- If
points to a location with a Pester configuration file, merges that config. - Finally, merges any direct inputs provided in your workflow.
- The result is a final Pester configuration that determines what tests to run and how to run them.
Add Containers
- If no containers are explicitly defined, it attempts to discover them automatically (files matching
). - Adds these containers to the final configuration.
- If no containers are explicitly defined, it attempts to discover them automatically (files matching
Running the Tests
- Calls
using that final configuration. - Finds test files/containers.
- Runs tests, logging pass/fail/skipped/inconclusive.
- Aggregates outcomes into a final test object.
- Calls
Generating Reports
- Test Results (e.g., NUnit/XML) if
. The file is saved toTestResult_OutputPath
. - Code Coverage if
. Saves coverage data (Cobertura, JaCoCo, etc.) toCodeCoverage_OutputPath
. - These reports are automatically uploaded as workflow artifacts. The artifact names are:
[!TIP] Use the
input to change the variable name of the artifact. - Test Results (e.g., NUnit/XML) if
Summary in GitHub
- A step summary is generated, showing how many tests passed/failed/skipped along with coverage information.
- If containers are in use, each container's results appear in a collapsible section.
Publishing Outputs
- The action sets several outputs for internal usage:
: Name assigned to the test suite.TestResultEnabled
: Indicates if test-result output is enabled.TestResultOutputPath
: Path to the test result report.CodeCoverageEnabled
: Indicates if code coverage is enabled.CodeCoverageOutputPath
: Path to the code coverage report.
- The action sets several outputs for internal usage:
After running your tests, you can assess the overall result by checking the following outputs provided by the action:
- Outcome: Indicates the GitHub Action step outcome (
). - Conclusion: Provides an overall summary (
) of the test run. - Executed: Indicates whether tests were executed (
). - Result: Overall result of the Pester test run (
). - PassedCount: Number of passed tests.
- FailedCount: Number of failed tests.
- SkippedCount: Number of skipped tests.
- InconclusiveCount: Number of inconclusive tests.
- NotRunCount: Number of tests not run.
- TotalCount: Total number of tests executed.
These values are accessible in your workflow using the step's outputs, for example:
- name: Status
shell: pwsh
run: |
Write-Host "Outcome: [${{ steps.action-test.outputs.Outcome }}]"
Write-Host "Conclusion: [${{ steps.action-test.outputs.Conclusion }}]"
Write-Host "Executed: [${{ steps.action-test.outputs.Executed }}]"
Write-Host "Result: [${{ steps.action-test.outputs.Result }}]"
Write-Host "Passed tests: [${{ steps.action-test.outputs.PassedCount }}]"
Write-Host "Failed tests: [${{ steps.action-test.outputs.FailedCount }}]"
Write-Host "Skipped tests: [${{ steps.action-test.outputs.SkippedCount }}]"
Write-Host "Total tests: [${{ steps.action-test.outputs.TotalCount }}]"
You can use the test outcome and conclusion to control the flow of your GitHub workflow. For example:
Using a Shell Step: You might include a step that checks the outcome and exits with a non-zero code if the tests did not pass:
- name: Status Check shell: pwsh run: | $outcome = '${{ steps.action-test.outcome }}' Write-Host "Outcome: [$outcome]" if ($outcome -ne 'success') { Write-Error "Tests did not pass. Aborting workflow." exit 1 }
Conditional Steps in Workflow YAML: You can conditionally run steps based on the outcome and conclusion:
- name: Deploy if: ${{ steps.action-test.outcome == 'success' && steps.action-test.conclusion == 'success' }} run: | # Deployment commands here
This approach provides full control over the execution flow of your workflow, ensuring that subsequent actions (like deployment) only run if the tests meet your success criteria.
Below is a typical usage example. (Subsequent sections list all available inputs and outputs.)
name: Pester Tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Run Pester Tests
uses: PSModule/Invoke-Pester@v3
id: action-test
continue-on-error: true
TestResult_TestSuiteName: IntegrationTests
Path: ./tests
Run_Path: ./src
- name: Status
shell: pwsh
OUTCOME: ${{ steps.action-test.outcome }}
CONCLUSION: ${{ steps.action-test.conclusion }}
run: |
Write-Host "Outcome: [$env:OUTCOME]"
Write-Host "Conclusion: [$env:CONCLUSION]"
All inputs are optional unless noted otherwise. For more details, refer to the Pester Configuration documentation.
is forced to $true
to ensure the action can capture test results.
Input | Description | Default |
Path |
Path to where tests are located or a configuration file. | (none) |
ReportAsJson |
Output generated reports in JSON format in addition to the configured format through Pester. | true |
Prescript |
Script to be executed before the test run. This script is executed in the same context as the test run. | (none) |
StepSummary_Mode |
Controls which tests to show in the GitHub step summary. Allows "Full" (all tests), "Failed" (only failed tests), or "None" (disable step summary). | Failed |
StepSummary_ShowTestOverview |
Controls whether to show the test overview table in the GitHub step summary. | false |
StepSummary_ShowConfiguration |
Controls whether to show the configuration details in the GitHub step summary. | false |
Run_Path |
Directories/files to be searched for tests. | (none) |
Run_ExcludePath |
Directories/files to exclude from the run. | (none) |
Run_ScriptBlock |
ScriptBlocks containing tests to be executed. | (none) |
Run_Container |
ContainerInfo objects containing tests to be executed. | (none) |
Run_TestExtension |
Filter used to identify test files (e.g. .Tests.ps1 ). |
(none) |
Run_Exit |
Whether to exit with a non-zero exit code on failure. | (none) |
Run_Throw |
Whether to throw an exception on test failure. | (none) |
Run_SkipRun |
Discovery only, skip actual test run. | (none) |
Run_SkipRemainingOnFailure |
Skips remaining tests after the first failure. Options: None , Run , Container , Block . |
(none) |
Filter_Tag |
Tags of Describe/Context/It blocks to run. | (none) |
Filter_ExcludeTag |
Tags of Describe/Context/It blocks to exclude. | (none) |
Filter_Line |
Filter by file + scriptblock start line (e.g. C:\tests\file1.Tests.ps1:37 ). |
(none) |
Filter_ExcludeLine |
Exclude by file + scriptblock start line. Precedence over Filter_Line . |
(none) |
Filter_FullName |
Full name of a test with wildcards, joined by dot. E.g. *.describe Get-Item.test1 |
(none) |
CodeCoverage_Enabled |
Enable code coverage. | (none) |
CodeCoverage_OutputFormat |
Format for the coverage report. Possible values: JaCoCo , CoverageGutters , Cobertura . |
(none) |
CodeCoverage_OutputPath |
Where to save the code coverage report (relative to the current dir). | (none) |
CodeCoverage_OutputEncoding |
Encoding of the coverage file. | (none) |
CodeCoverage_Path |
Files/directories to measure coverage on (by default, reuses Path from the general settings). |
(none) |
CodeCoverage_ExcludeTests |
Exclude tests themselves from coverage. | (none) |
CodeCoverage_RecursePaths |
Recurse through coverage directories. | (none) |
CodeCoverage_CoveragePercentTarget |
Desired minimum coverage percentage. | (none) |
CodeCoverage_UseBreakpoints |
Experimental: When false , use a Profiler-based tracer instead of breakpoints. |
(none) |
CodeCoverage_SingleHitBreakpoints |
Remove breakpoints after first hit. | (none) |
TestResult_Enabled |
Enable test-result output (e.g. NUnitXml, JUnitXml). | (none) |
TestResult_OutputFormat |
Possible values: NUnitXml , NUnit2.5 , NUnit3 , JUnitXml . |
(none) |
TestResult_OutputPath |
Where to save the test-result report (relative path). | (none) |
TestResult_OutputEncoding |
Encoding of the test-result file. | (none) |
TestResult_TestSuiteName |
Name used for the root test-suite element in the result file. |
(none) |
Should_ErrorAction |
Controls if Should throws on error. Use Stop to throw, or Continue to fail at the end. |
(none) |
Debug_ShowFullErrors |
Show Pester internal stack on errors. (Deprecated – overrides Output.StackTraceVerbosity to Full ). |
(none) |
Debug_WriteDebugMessages |
Write debug messages to screen. | (none) |
Debug_WriteDebugMessagesFrom |
Filter debug messages by source. Wildcards allowed. | (none) |
Debug_ShowNavigationMarkers |
Write paths after every block/test for easy navigation in Visual Studio Code. | (none) |
Debug_ReturnRawResultObject |
Returns an unfiltered result object, for development only. | (none) |
Output_Verbosity |
Verbosity: None , Normal , Detailed , Diagnostic . |
(none) |
Output_StackTraceVerbosity |
Stacktrace detail: None , FirstLine , Filtered , Full . |
(none) |
Output_CIFormat |
CI format of error output: None , Auto , AzureDevops , GithubActions . |
(none) |
Output_CILogLevel |
CI log level: Error or Warning . |
(none) |
Output_RenderMode |
How to render console output: Auto , Ansi , ConsoleColor , Plaintext . |
(none) |
TestDrive_Enabled |
Enable TestDrive . |
(none) |
TestRegistry_Enabled |
Enable TestRegistry . |
(none) |
Debug |
Enable debug output. | false |
Verbose |
Enable verbose output. | false |
Version |
Specifies the exact version of the GitHub module to install. | (none) |
Prerelease |
Allow prerelease versions if available. | false |
WorkingDirectory |
The working directory where the script runs. | . |
The action provides the following outputs:
Output | Description |
Outcome |
The outcome of the test run (success/failure) |
Conclusion |
The conclusion of the test run (success/failure) |
Executed |
Whether tests were executed (True/False) |
Result |
Overall result of the Pester test run (Passed/Failed) |
FailedCount |
Number of failed tests |
FailedBlocksCount |
Number of failed blocks |
FailedContainersCount |
Number of failed containers |
PassedCount |
Number of passed tests |
SkippedCount |
Number of skipped tests |
InconclusiveCount |
Number of inconclusive tests |
NotRunCount |
Number of tests not run |
TotalCount |
Total count of tests |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Run Pester tests
uses: PSModule/Invoke-Pester@v1
Path: './tests'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Run Pester tests
uses: PSModule/Invoke-Pester@v3
id: action-test
Path: './tests'
TestResult_Enabled: 'true'
TestResult_OutputPath: './test-results.xml'
- name: Process test results
if: always()
run: |
Write-Output "Total tests: ${{ steps.action-test.outputs.TotalCount }}"
Write-Output "Passed tests: ${{ steps.action-test.outputs.PassedCount }}"
Write-Output "Failed tests: ${{ steps.action-test.outputs.FailedCount }}"
Write-Output "Failed blocks: ${{ steps.action-test.outputs.FailedBlocksCount }}"
Write-Output "Failed containers: ${{ steps.action-test.outputs.FailedContainersCount }}"
Write-Output "Test outcome: ${{ steps.action-test.outputs.Result }}"
shell: pwsh
- name: Take action based on test outcome
if: steps.action-test.outputs.Result == 'Passed'
run: echo "All tests passed! Ready to proceed with deployment."
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Run Pester tests with code coverage
id: pester
uses: PSModule/Invoke-Pester@v1
Path: './tests'
CodeCoverage_Enabled: 'true'
CodeCoverage_Path: './src'
CodeCoverage_OutputPath: './coverage.xml'
CodeCoverage_OutputFormat: 'JaCoCo'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Run Pester tests with prescript
id: pester
uses: PSModule/Invoke-Pester@v1
Path: './tests'
CodeCoverage_Enabled: 'true'
CodeCoverage_Path: './src'
CodeCoverage_OutputPath: './coverage.xml'
CodeCoverage_OutputFormat: 'JaCoCo'
Prescript: |
Import-Module MyModule