A custom VLC player for my own needs
- Have VLC installed
- Python2
$ python main.py <MEDIA_FILE>
Single-character commands:
: Toggle pause (no effect if there is no media).
+: Go forward one sec.
,: Go backward one frame.
-: Go backward one sec.
.: Go forward one frame.
d: Toggles the duration displayed.
f: Toggle fullscreen status on non-embedded video outputs.
h: Print help.
i: Print information about the media.
p: Toggle echoing of media position.
q: Stop and exit.
t: Asks for what time to set playback to.
x: Increases the volume by 10%.
z: Decreases the volume by 10%.
0-9: go to that fraction of the movie
- Move main-function out of module-file 'vlc.py'
- Transition the code to python3