Orbiter 8 is a decentralized space game designed for the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
- EVM Blockchain native gameplay, fully on-chain
- Lightweight browser-based game client
- Dynamically generated galaxy
- Massively multiplayer
- Ownable ship and planet assets as ERC721 NFTs
- In game current as ERC20 tokens
- Intergalactic tading system
- Temporal chat, uses "broadcasts"
- March 2022: Polygon Studios Grant Winner
- April 2022: Moonriver Grants Hackathon Winner
- Arugust 2022: Bobabeam Hackathon Winner
Version 0.3.0
This version of Orbiter 8 is the final manifestration of the original prototype. Work in this demo realizes the final alpha demo on the roadmap to a beta. There will be few (or no) updates to this repository as we focus on beta production using a refresh stack including Vue 3, EhtersJS, and Solidity 8.
Test Network Deployments
- Sepolia (Ethereum)
- Binance
- Mumbai (Polygon)
- Arbitrum
- Moonriver
- Moonbase
- Bobabase
- Godwoken
- Metis
- Metal
More Information
The official Orbiter 8 website: https://orbiter8.com
Source for a fully built version of the Demo 3 client: https://github.com/Partavate-Studios/orbiter8-demo3-client
A Github hosted instance of the Demo 3 client: https://partavate-studios.github.io/orbiter8-demo3-client/
Gameplay tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL30sFMYi6A
- Truffle Stack 5: https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle
- Eth-Vue Truffle Box: https://truffleframework.com/boxes/eth-vue
- Vue.js 2: https://vuejs.org/
- Solidity 5
- Node.js v8 (will not compile with newer versions)
- Metamask browser plugin: https://metamask.io/
- Clone the git repository
git clone [email protected]:partavate/prototype.git
- To setup the truffle stack stuff, from /prototype
npm install
- To setup the client stuff, from /prototype/orbter-client
npm install
On-chain turn-based gameplay with all game logic handled via Ethereum smart contracts.
Web based game client with no external depdencies other than access to Ethereum.
Dynamically generated game board (galaxy) democratizing the cost of recording the map data to the chain.
# Check Contract Size
truffle run contract-size
# Start Truffle Dev Environment
truffle develop
# Optionally monitor RPC activity while the dev environment is running:
truffle develop --log
# Redeploy contracts
migrate --reset
# Get a contracts address
# Getting the Galaxy Up and Running
AvatarControls.deployed().then(function(instance){return instance.createAvatar('The Federation');})
Orbiter8.deployed().then(function(instance){return instance.genesis();})
Orbiter8.deployed().then(function(instance){return instance.makeSolarSystem();})
# Run smart contract tests
# Verify contracts
truffle run verify Orbiter8 AvatarControls AvatarLibrary PresetLibrary StarSystemLibrary PlanetLibrary ShipTokens PlanetTokens Credits --network arbitrumTest
From the orbiter-client diretory:
Inpm install
# Serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 (donno the difference)
npm run serve
# Build for production with minification
npm run build
# Build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# There are no client tests
The Crypto Zombies tutorial is a fun way to understand the basics of Solidity https://cryptozombies.io/
Running smart contracts requires some kind of Ethereum wallet. This project assumes you use the metamask wallet available as a plugin for both Firefox and Chrome Web browsers.
Note: You will also need to configure Metamask to work with your local development environment. Truffle provides 10 private keys to accounts with 100 Ethereum to use for development and testing.
Lovingly crafted by Partavate Studios
Shared under the GNU Affero General Public License