Challenges: While decoding data of a HTTP response of a API there were many discrepancies such as missing values etc. So I tried to use null checking etc but the issue was not resolving. In this yummly API there were food images which i wanted to use as cover for the recipe cards.
I tried two more API and various problem arose. I finally found an API with decent data . (Recipe by API-Ninjas). I then Used the API to make a list of Recipe titles and number of servings. I then provided with ingredient list and instructions for the recipe.
created main.dart file and added a home page and a detail page. created a recipe widget and detail widget seperately after viewing the API response structure and data. created a recipe class in which we will store the data from the response after decoding. created a recipe api file in which I collect json response from API after stting up API key and host. From there the json response is decoded and then made into a list of recipe class which is showed on the home page. Built a list of items with LISTview builder and added a gesture detector to detect tapping o the widget. After the widget is tapped navigator pushes the detail screen with a list of passed arguments. These passed arguments then are used to display all information on the detail screen.
apk file is available for use as app.apk