1 – What is the difference between manual testing and automated testing?
2 – What does Assert class do?
3 - How can be tested 'private' methods?
4 – What is Monolithic Architecture?
5 - What are the best practices to write a Unit Test Case?
6 - Why does JUnit only report the first failure in a single test?
7 - What are the benefits and drawbacks of Microservices?
8 - What is the role of actuator in spring boot?
9 - What are the challenges that one has to face while using Microservices?
10 - How independent microservices communicate with each other?
11 - What do you mean by Domain driven design?
12 – What is container in Microservices?
13 - What are the main components of Microservices architecture?
14 - How does a Microservice architecture work?