A bot for Telegram that renders LaTeX equations.
You can see it running by chatting to @EquationLaTeXBot or you can run your own bot.
My own code is donted to the Public Domain, however the dependencies have their own licenses. In particular this bot uses the node version of MathJax, the Telegram API implementation by @yagop and svg2png by @domenic.
MathJax would have its own PNG exporter, however I didn't like it, so used svg2png to write my own, to provide a minimum width, in addition to fixed scaling, and to have directly the PNG stream, instead of having it base64 encoded.
I provided a systemd service file, in case you want to run this bot as a systemd service.
You just need to fix the path and the user in latex_bot.service
, then copy it in /etc/systemd/system
and then run these commands as root:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable latex_bot
systemctl start latex_bot