LeetMetric is a web app that fetches and displays LeetCode statistics based on a user's profile. It provides a visual representation of problem-solving progress, including easy, medium, and hard problem distributions.
- 🔍 Search any LeetCode user and fetch their stats.
- 📊 Visual progress indicators for easy, medium, and hard problems.
- 📈 Displays total submissions and categorized submissions.
- 🌍 User-friendly UI built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- HTML (for structure)
- CSS (for styling)
- JavaScript (for fetching and rendering data)
- LeetCode GraphQL API (for user statistics)
- Enter your LeetCode username.
- Click on the "Search" button.
- View your LeetCode stats with graphical representation.
During the development of LeetMetric, I learned:
- How to fetch and display LeetCode user data dynamically.
- Improving UI/UX using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Handling API requests and parsing JSON responses.
- Using Git and GitHub for version control.
📅 Add daily streak tracking. 📜 Show a list of recent submissions. 🎨 Improve UI/UX with better responsiveness.