Release 3.0.4: UI Improvements, Core Updates, and Preliminary Work on New Features
This release includes significant updates and improvements:
UI Enhancements:
- Improved game cell styling and marquee text for game titles
- Updated settings icon and menu structure
- Fixed media cache to prevent artwork clipping
Core Updates:
- Added preliminary support for Philips CD-i (WIP, not available in App Store)
- Updated RetroArch assets and MAME plugins
- Added NooDS core
- Improved Dolphin core Vulkan loading
- Added multiple test cores for Flycast (Dreamcast emulation WIP, not in App Store)
DeltaSkins Feature (WIP):
- Initial integration of DeltaSkins system for testing and development
- Added preliminary skin preview and management functionality
- Note: This feature is not yet usable and is for internal testing only
System Improvements:
- Enhanced core filtering for disabled and app store incompatible cores
- Updated system settings and core project views
- Improved handling of unsupported cores in App Store builds
Build and CI/CD:
- Fixed tvOS build issues
- Updated CI/CD step versions
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
- Updated documentation and What's New for 3.0.4
This release focuses on UI polish and emulation core support, while laying the groundwork for future features like CD-i and Dreamcast support, and the DeltaSkins system. These new features are still in development and not yet available for general use.