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Final Project for Fall 2024 Embedded Systems Class

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Pulsefex - Omen Watch

This project combines embedded systems engineering and BLE communication to create a smart, energy-efficient application for real-time monitoring and communication using the STM32WB microcontroller. The system integrates two key sensors (MAX30102 and TMP102) and employs robust data processing, low-power management, and interactive display features.

Project Overview

  • Platform: STM32WB microcontroller.
  • Sensors:
    • MAX30102: Measures heart rate and SpO₂ levels.
    • TMP102: Provides precise temperature readings.
  • Middleware: STM32_WPAN with BLE 5.4 integration.
  • Display: SSD1306 OLED for real-time visual feedback.
  • Communication: BLE using GATT client-server architecture and debugging via UART.

Component & Driver Breakdown

This section provides a detailed explanation of the implementation, focusing on the MAX30102, TMP102, and SSD1306 OLED peripherals. It emphasizes the design principles, system architecture, and direct code references to explain the underlying functionality. The architecture is centered around a bare-metal scheduler, interrupt-driven design, and precise timer configurations.

1. Bare-Metal Scheduler

What is a Bare-Metal Scheduler?

A lightweight, deterministic task manager without an RTOS. It operates by cycling through tasks based on flags set by ISRs or periodic timer events.

Advantages Over FreeRTOS:

  • Low Overhead: Avoids context switching and reduces complexity.
  • Deterministic Timing: Ensures predictable task execution, ideal for real-time requirements.
  • Direct Hardware Control: Allows tight integration with peripherals.

Code Snippet: Scheduler in Action

while (1) {
    SCH_Run(~0);         // Runs all scheduled tasks
    vReadSensorData();   // Processes sensor data

Here, SCH_Run(~0) manages scheduled tasks, and vReadSensorData() ensures periodic sensor data processing.

2. Interrupt-Driven Architecture

What are ISRs?

Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) are triggered by hardware events to handle critical tasks immediately. They often set flags for the main loop to process.

Key ISRs and Code References:

  1. Timer ISR (HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback):

    • Trigger: Timer 16 periodic interrupt.
    • Action: Sets ucSensorReadFlag to signal sensor reading.
    • Code:
      void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) {
          if (htim->Instance == TIM16) {
              ucSensorReadFlag = 1; // Signals the main loop to read sensor data
  2. GPIO ISR (HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback):

    • Trigger: MAX30102’s interrupt pin signals new data.
    • Action: Sets a flag to process the data.
    • Code:
      void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin) {
          if (GPIO_Pin == MAX30102_INT_Pin) {
              ecgFIFOIntFlag = 1; // Signals data readiness
  3. ADC ISR (HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback):

    • Trigger: Completion of ADC conversion for TMP102.
    • Action: Converts raw ADC data to temperature values.
    • Code:
      void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc) {
          uhADCxConvertedData = HAL_ADC_GetValue(hadc);
          usADCxConvertedData_Voltage_mVolt = __ADC_CALC_DATA_VOLTAGE(VDDA_APPLI, uhADCxConvertedData);

3. Timer Configuration

Timers are the backbone of scheduling, ensuring precise timing for sensor polling and OLED updates.

Timer Parameters and Calculations:

  1. TIM16: Periodic Sensor Polling

    • Prescaler: 20 → ( 32 $\text{MHz}$ $\div$ (20+1) $\approx$ 1.52 $\text{MHz}$ )
    • Period: 63999 → ( 1.52 $\text{MHz}$ $\div$ 64000 $\approx$ 42 $\text{ms}$ )
    • Code:
      htim16.Init.Prescaler = 20;
      htim16.Init.Period = 63999;
  2. TIM1: OLED Brightness Control

    • Prescaler: 9 → ( 32 $\text{MHz}$ $\div$ (9+1) = 3.2 $\text{MHz}$)
    • Period: 97 → ( 3.2 $\text{MHz}$ $\div$ 97 $\approx$ 33 $\text{MHz}$ )
    • Code:
      htim1.Init.Prescaler = 9;
      htim1.Init.Period = 97;

4. I2C Communication

Shared I2C3 Bus for Peripherals:

  • SCL: PC0
  • SDA: PC1
  • Timing: 0x0040040C for 100 kHz standard mode.

Peripheral Breakdown:

  1. MAX30102:

    • Uses I2C interrupts for asynchronous data transfer.
    • Code for Initialization:
      void vMax30102Init(void) {
          // Configure I2C for MAX30102
  2. TMP102:

    • Polled periodically using I2C.
    • Code for Reading Data:
      void vReadTmp102Data(void) {
          uint8_t data[2];
          HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c3, TMP102_ADDR, data, 2, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
  3. SSD1306 OLED:

    • I2C commands update the display.
    • Code for Display Update:
      void vOledBlePrintData(void) {

5. GPIO and External Interrupts

GPIO Pin Roles:

  1. MAX30102 Data Ready:

    • GPIO pin detects rising edge for new data availability.
    • Code:
      GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = MAX30102_INT_Pin;
      GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_IT_RISING;
      HAL_GPIO_Init(MAX30102_INT_GPIO_Port, &GPIO_InitStruct);
  2. OLED Power Control:

    • GPIO pin toggles OLED power.
    • Code:

6. ADC Configuration: TMP102

ADC Parameters:

  • Prescaler: ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV1 → Maximum speed.
  • Resolution: 8-bit for fast sampling.
  • Sampling Time: 640 Cycles for stable readings.

Code for TMP102 Data Processing:

sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_3;
sConfig.Rank = ADC_REGULAR_RANK_1;
sConfig.SamplingTime = ADC_SAMPLETIME_640CYCLES_5;
HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1, &sConfig);

7. UART Communication for OLED


  • Baud Rate: 115200.
  • Mode: Full-duplex TX/RX.

OLED Data Transmission:

  • Uses UART interrupts to ensure non-blocking communication.
  • Code:
    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*)data, strlen(data), HAL_MAX_DELAY);

Why This Architecture Works

  • Deterministic Scheduling: Timers and ISRs ensure predictable, real-time performance.
  • Efficient Resource Usage: Minimal overhead with bare-metal implementation.
  • Scalability: Allows integration of additional peripherals with minimal changes.

This architecture balances simplicity, efficiency, and reliability, delivering a robust system tailored for embedded applications.

BLE Communication

  • Architecture:
    • GATT Server: Exposes sensor data as characteristics.
    • GATT Client: Allows remote devices to read or subscribe to updates.
  • Security:
    • Implements MITM protection and bonding for secure pairing.
  • Dynamic Advertising:
    • Adjustable advertising intervals for efficient power usage.
  • P2P Protocol:
    • Ensures seamless bidirectional communication with BLE-enabled clients.

Development and Debugging

  • Data Processing:
    • Sensor data is read using efficient polling mechanisms with flags and interrupts.
    • Data integrity is maintained via masking and unmasking during processing.
  • UART Debugging:
    • Real-time print statements log sensor values and BLE events.
    • UART interface facilitates seamless testing with the Linux screen command.
  • OLED Interface:
    • Displays debugging states, sensor values, and BLE connection status.
    • Toggle-based screens enable focused visualization.

BLE Middleware - Theory and Implementation

  • GATT Roles:
    • Server: Hosts services for MAX30102 and TMP102, allowing characteristic reads and notifications.
    • Client: Subscribes to real-time updates.
  • Security:
    • Leverages fixed and dynamic pins, encryption, and authentication to secure data.
  • L2CAP:
    • Manages connection parameters to optimize power and performance dynamically.

Pinout Configuration

Peripheral Pins Protocol Details
MAX30102 PC0 (SCL), PC1 (SDA) I2C (I2C3) Shares I2C3 bus with OLED
TMP102 PC0 (SCL), PC1 (SDA) I2C (I2C3) Shares I2C3 bus with OLED
OLED Display PC0 (SCL), PC1 (SDA) I2C (I2C3) Shares I2C3 bus with sensors
UART PB6 (TX), PB7 (RX) USART UART for debugging/logging
BLE Antenna Internal - Integrated with STM32WB


  • All I2C peripherals (MAX30102, TMP102, and OLED) are on the I2C3 bus with PC0 (SCL) and PC1 (SDA).
  • The USART interface uses PB6 (TX) and PB7 (RX) for UART debugging and communication.
  • This streamlined pinout ensures efficient use of shared resources while minimizing power consumption.

Why This Approach?

  1. Low Power:
    • Configured timers and dynamic BLE advertising intervals to conserve energy.
  2. Scalability:
    • Modular design allows easy integration of additional sensors and services.
  3. Reliability:
    • Real-time debugging ensures quick error resolution during development.


Final Project for Fall 2024 Embedded Systems Class






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