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This is a Windows based keylogger created as an educational tool. The current program will scrape for OS events and log the data in xml to make parseing simple. additionaly this program will log changes in clipboard contents, and changes in process title.


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KeyLogger Version 0.1.1

this is a Windows based keylogger, it has multiple usefull features! as described below,

will be buisy with school this semester, please be patient with updates currently Version 0.1.1 is capable of:

1.) logging keystrokes: includeing several of the function keys!

2.) determining change in forground processes: so you can see the workflow of the targets computer!

3.) produceing timestamps for change in forground process: so you can better corelate events!

4.) logging change in foreground title: even the inbetween steps that you wouldnt normaly see!

5.) producing time stamps for title change: to better the corelation of events!

6.) logging changes to the clipboard: to get all sensitive data you would otherwise not see!

7.) color codeing output so you can know the flow of events at a glance

8.) supports socket level communication.

	[NOTE:] Data is sent back to the server after every process, 
		if the socket for some reason fails then this server
		will store all logs in memory and attempts to 
		esstablish a connection to send data back to the server.

9.) client side xml formatting.

	[NOTE:] after a disconnect the server currently prints out the 
	ending xml tag so you can view the log in your web browser of 

10.) server side is capable of connecting multiple targets at once this is a usefull feature when redteaming multiple targets in an office environment

11.) console dump is color coded so you never have to leave the confort of your console interface.

Sample Output: can be viewed to get a feal for what the output should look like, detailed instructions can be found by going to the Getting Started/ to view sample output section of the README

Getting Started

There are two ways to get this keylogger up and running

1.) Manually compile the script: This is the encouraged manner of getting ahold of this script

2.) download the release version This might not support the latest and greatest, but it will give you a good idea as to what it can do!!!

Reasons to manually compile

1.) version releases will be done only after all items in the Roadmap to Version #.#.# section of the README have been compleated.

2.) Version releases will be compiled on the loop back address, this is by design, a long term goal of this project is to have it run completely in memory, compileing with a config file would defeate this goal!

Reasons to download version release

if your only looking to preview what this keylogger version can do then downloading the compiled version will give you a preocompiled binary with the server and both client configurations.

Installing the Release V0.1.1

install video

Alt text

Step one, get jre1.8_0_191

jre1.8_0_191: go to [] and download the x86 offline exe installer.[Note: x86 is 32bit platform compliant, x86 can run in both 32bit and 64bit modes], and install the package.

Step two, configure paths to run the server

run cmd as an administrator and locate KeyLogger-V0.1.1 in the root directory of your download their should be a ps1 script named "ReleaseInstall" to run it type the following

	powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPsdd -File ReleaseInstall.ps1

if this command was ran successfully restart your vm with the following command.

	shutdown /r /t 0

manually compileing the keylogger can be done as follows

install video

Alt text

step one, get gcc and jdk1.8_0_191

mingw: go to [] and download gcc,or, in my experience the best installation method is to use the code::blocks install [] use the mingw-setup**

jdk8_0_191 go to [] and download the x86 bit version, [Note: x86 is 32bit platform compliant, x86 can run in both 32bit and 64bit modes] and install that package.

step two, locate compiler

locate %systemdrive%...\MinGW, it will likley be in "\Program Files" or "\Program Files (x86)"

step three, adding MinGw\bin to system path

run the install.ps1 script and then reboot the system

from cmd locate the install.ps1 script and run the following command

	powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPsdd -File RInstall.ps1	

restart your computer and gcc/jdk will be a part of your system path

	shutdown /r /t 0 

Step four, Configuration

If their is a server ip that you want the client to connect to then you must change the ip address in the KeyLogger\KeyLoggerSoftware\Client folder, open the KeyLogger_clientCom.h file and find

#define IP_ADDRESS ""

Edit it to the desired external ip address that your server is connecting to. it should appear as follows

#define IP_ADDRESS "#.#.#.#"

Save your edit and continue on to compile

Step five: Compileing

Open Command prompt and navigate to the root directory of this program and find the batch script named "compiler.bat", if your prompted expand the details and click "Run Anyway" run this script and answer the provided questions by the end of the script you should have the exe's,


you can now run this exe and see what it can realy do!

to view a sample output

  1. download a copy of this repository.

  2. unzip the package and navigate to sampleOutput,

  3. open either of the xml output files in your browser of choice

[Note: the banking info is not real credentials]

Running and Generating xml's

step 1) start command prompt as administrator.

step 2) navigate to your newley generate exe files, if done correctly they should be in keylogger software.

step 3) goto your keylogger client and do the following

      c:\ . . . \client> keyloggerHidden.exe 


       c:\ . . . \client>keylogger.exe 

step 4) then navigate to the server directory and start the server listening

step 5) log data for some time,

step 6) kill the keylogger process and the keyloggerServer, then navigate over to the ./server/logged directory and open the xml file.

if you see a page that looks as the sample did, then Congradulations! you have successfully created your first keylog capture!

Roadmap to Version 0.2.0

Version Spec Client Side Requirements done Server Side Requirements done
0.1.1 Limit unsent buffer size before exit YES 131,072 bytes set file names to connecting ip address_TimeStamp YES
N/A client termination loops back to start new client session YES
N/A start the javac implimintations for the GUI, GUI will not be supported at this time yes
0.1.2 build in click screen captures NO build multi-client support YES
0.1.3 hook enum process and remove pid NO build a minimal javac GUI NO
N/A release compiler script that supports GUI NO
0.1.4 N/A polish off the GUI NO
0.2.0 design a roadmap to support client side encryption NO design a roadmap to support server side encryption NO

This is a rough outline I am hopeing to have some support from the community so that this goes alot faster!, it may take some time tp get to the 0.2.0, but after that we can get into thje real fun of actually implementing these designs, please by all means open up a pull and start codeing,

you can contact the comunity on slack

Contact a core team member via slack to report abuse of the code of coduct

members: Qu3b411


1.) compile a fresh copy with jar and config for support in release

2.) create instructions for release version dependecieys

please review it and let me know what Isues arise.

Windows has blocked the binary release as sevear malware, this is a demo sample of a keylogger, and a form of spyware, this program is intended for educational purposes, if your still interested in testing the binarys it may be prudent to disable windows defender on your testing virtual machine, please do not use this on your every day machine


This is a Windows based keylogger created as an educational tool. The current program will scrape for OS events and log the data in xml to make parseing simple. additionaly this program will log changes in clipboard contents, and changes in process title.




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