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Linear algebra functions as Generalized Ufuncs.

Uses ILP64 (64-bit) LAPACK from MKL or OpenBLAS, has optional OpenMP support to parallelize the outer gufunc loop via the workers argument.

Build the package

To build with MKL, do

$ pip install numpy meson meson-python ninja
$ pip install mkl mkl-devel
$ pip install . --no-build-isolation -Csetup-args='-Dopenmp=gnu' -Csetup-args='-Dblas=mkl'

To disable the OpenMP support, remove -Csetup-args='-Dopenmp=gnu' from the pip invocation.

To build with OpenBLAS, install scipy-openblas64 instead of MKL,

$ pip install scipy-openblas64   # instead of mkl mkl-devel

generate the pkg-config file,

$ python -c'import scipy_openblas64 as sc; print(sc.get_pkg_config())' > openblas.pc

and build the package

$ pip install . --no-build-isolation -Csetup-args='-Dopenmp=gnu' -Csetup-args='-Dblas=scipy-openblas64'

Test the package

$ python -P -c'import gulinalg as g; g.test(verbosity=2)'

or use the standard pytest invocations.

Below is the documentation for the older version of the package (v0.1.6).

This version is using numpy.distutils, and is therefore limited to python versions <= 3.11 and compatible NumPy versions.

Notes about building

This module is built using NumPy's configuration for LAPACK. This means that you need a setup similar to the one used to build the NumPy you are using. If you are building your own version of NumPy that should be the case.

OpenMP support

A subset of functions currently have openMP support via a workers argument that can be used to set the number of threads to use in the outer gufunc loop.

On windows MSVC-style flags will be set, otherwise GCC-style flags (-fopenmp) are set. By default OpenMP is enabled, but if compilation of a simple test function fails, OpenMP will be disabled,

The user can force OpenMP to always be disabled if desired by defining the environment variable GULINALG_DISABLE_OPENMP.

On linux, linking against intel's OpenMP implementation instead of the GNU implementation can be selected by defining GULINALG_INTEL_OPENMP. This will cause libiomp5 and libpthread to be linked during compilation (instead of GCC's libgomp). This should be done, for example, on MKL-based conda environments where the intel-openmp package has been installed. For OpenBLAS-based conda environments, the GULINALG_INTEL_OPENMP variable should not be defined.

If Intel's icc compiler is being used instead of gcc, the user should define the GULINALG_USING_ICC environment variable. Use of icc on windows systems is not currently supported.

Build Status

Travis CI: Build Status


Linear algebra functions as Generalized Ufuncs



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  • C 95.0%
  • Python 4.9%
  • Other 0.1%