This is a library to ease devlopment with Raspiaudio's muse devices, for now it supports :
- Muse Luxe buy here
- Muse Radio
- Muse Proto
- Muse Manga
The Muse Library is an Arduino library designed for the ESP32-based Muse devices. It provides seamless control over the Muse NeoPixel LED, interfaces with the ES8388 codec for audio, and includes support for various other peripherals.
NeoPixel Control: Easily set and display colors on the Muse Luxe's integrated NeoPixel LED.
Audio Playback: Control audio playback using the ES8388 codec and integrate streaming or audio functionalities.
Battery monitoring: Control audio playback using the ES8388 codec and integrate streaming or audio functionalities.
Audio recording
- Open the Arduino IDE.
- Navigate to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.
- In the Library Manager, search for
. - Click Install on the Muse library by
. - Select int Tools-Board-ESP32 Wrover
- Tested on ESP32 version 3.0.7
- Audio by schreibfaul1 YOU NEED TO INSTALL THIS LIBRARY MANUALLY search for "ESP32-audioI2S-master" in the library manager
- Adafruit NeoPixel by Adafruit
- ESP32Encoder
- ESP32-A2DP
- esp32-sh1106-oled replace the User_Setup.h of this repository in the TFT-eSPI library directory to apply the screen preferences
Ensure that the libraries are installed before using the Muse_library.