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A architecture for build a simple GraphQL server in TypeScript implementation.

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This code is a basic template for start GraphQL backend service in TypeScript. For start to develop the app you only need know some concepts, a continue it will be explain it ,or if you don't need explanations only make run the project with this commands.

Run the project

You need upgrade the project using NPM dependencies, go to your Project PATH and put:

    npm upgrade

For run all test of app only need put:

    npm test

Then you must run the project in dev mode using this code:

    npm run dev

Finaly, for check if the service is run correctly you only need put this link in your browser and then the GraphQL IDE going to appear:




This layer is group on Endpoint that it is a set of entities, which its working together, can it make a correct service's GraphQL.

The Endpoint entity is agrouped in four entities and its are contains in the same folder. For example in Hello's Endpoint folder we have :

  • Controller (HelloController.ts)
  • Schema (Schema.ts)
  • Query (Query.ts)
  • Mutation [Optional] (Mutation.ts)
  • Model Class [Optional] (Hello.ts)


The Controller is the class which it is comunicate with HTTP layer and binding us endpoint entity to a especific URL path. Because a controller can be of any protocol, the code have a especific GraphQLController, for binding the endpoint entities to GraphQL protocol. This class is use in the App class and contains the graphQL HTTP router using in HttpRouter.

When we create a new Controller we shall extend us class from GraphQLController. And the TypeScript say us that we need implement some constructor and functions are example are this:

class MyController extends GraphQLController {

    public constructor(path: String) {
        //Only need put main Query is a check of minimal requeriments

    public getQuery() {
        return new GraphQLObjectType({
            name: 'get',
            fields: () => ({

    public getMutation() {
        return new GraphQLObjectType({
            name: 'post',
            fields: () => ({


Init the controllers in the App

For your controller work in the code you must insert the controller in controllers's array inside App class . Go to App class and on it code you will looking a array, insert the controller in array,something like this code:

    public controllers = [
        new HelloController("/hello"),
        new UserController("/user")
        //add new controllers

When you are init the controller you shall try don't have two controllers with the same path, otherwhise the app it brokes if the controllers's array have this error.

Add more Queries or Mutations

When you have a entity that have some relationship or you like put other entities in the same endpoint you only need put the queries or the mutations in its field that correspond.

In the case of Query:

    public getQuery() {
        return new GraphQLObjectType({
            name: 'get',
            fields: () => ({

In the case of Mutation:

    public getMutation() {
        return new GraphQLObjectType({
            name: 'post',
            fields: () => ({

Query, Mutation and Schema

The Query and Mutation is located in independients files (Query.ts and Mutation.ts). In GraphQL documentation is init with a GraphQLObjectType, but in this code mutations and queries are Object types that then in controller's class will be init in GraphQLObjectType. We have a example in following code:

const query = {
    hello: {
        type: Schema,
        description: "Say hello to the visitants",
        args: {
            name: { type: GraphQLString }
        resolve: function (parent: any, args: any) {
            //Now here you must call Business Layer
            let bussiness = new HelloBusiness();
            if ( == undefined)
                return new Hello(bussiness.getHelloEmpty());
            return new Hello(bussiness.getHello(;
export default query;

The query and mutation have the same structure and import a type tag which is a import Schema class. In the especial case of Mutation,the creation is Optional but when you create the controller you need init mutation as null for avoid errors.

    public constructor(path: String) {
        //Only need put main Query is a check of minimal requeriments

Schema is a GraphQLObjectType class ubicate on Schema.ts , it indicate the form of petition response of this controller, is the same like GraphQL theory and we don't explain it but we put a example next:

const Schema = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: "hello",
    fields: {
        message: {
            type: GraphQLString,
            description: "Message send it to user"
        timeOfCreation: {
            type: GraphQLDate,
            description: "Time of Entity creation"

export default Schema;

Model class

When you create a respond to send you must create a object with the same properties than Schema class, this take a lot of time and is recomendable you use a class to help to creation and validation of data to response. This class is totaly opcional and don't need exist on endpoint for have a correct function of code, but help in code develope. Following have a example:

export default class Hello {
    message: string;
    timeOfCreation: Date;

    constructor(message: string) {
        this.message = message;
        this.timeOfCreation = new Date();


The business layer is responsible of all implementations of business rules, manage all data changes and send it back to endpoints layer. This layer scape of us architecture vision, but you can devel here in busines folder or make a bridge with a existent or existents business.


The DAO is the layer to access to the persistent data this access between business, but you can acess throught endpoint layer. Like business this layer escape of us architecture vision and can build here in DAO folder or make a bridge with a existant DAO.


A architecture for build a simple GraphQL server in TypeScript implementation.






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