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Configure Raspberry Pi OS

ReefSpy edited this page Apr 6, 2024 · 3 revisions

These instructions are written assuming the username is "pi" and password is "reefberry". If you decide to use different credentials, you will need to substitute them in the appropriate places throughout the guides.

Increase Swap Space

If running on Raspberry Pi 3, increase the swap space since the default 100MB is not enough to run all the required tasks an the system may freeze.
Increase Swap Space on Raspberry Pi 3

Update Raspberry Pi OS

It is good practice to update Raspberry Pi OS to ensure latest patches are installed

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt upgrade -y

After installing you should enable the following interfaces either through the guide, or via command line with

sudo raspi-config
  • SSH - for remote login
  • VNC - useful for remote debugging
  • SPI - for MCP3008 analog to digital chip integration
  • 1-Wire - for ds1b820 temperature probe communication