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Releases: RenderKit/oidn

Open Image Denoise v2.3.2

13 Jan 23:10
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  • Improved performance for Intel Lunar Lake and Battlemage GPUs
  • Added Intel Panther Lake GPU support
  • Fixed compile error when building with OpenImageIO 3.x

Open Image Denoise v2.3.1

11 Nov 23:22
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  • Fixed corrupted output when in-place denoising high-resolution (> 1080p)
    images where the input and output are stored in different shared buffer
    objects (created with oidnNewSharedBuffer*) that overlap in memory
  • Fixed issues with cancellation through progress monitor callbacks:
    • Fixed cancellation requests not being fulfilled on CPU devices since
    • Fixed not calling the callback anymore after requesting cancellation,
      while the operation is still being executed
  • Added support for creating shared buffers on Metal devices
  • Enabled accessing system allocated memory for CUDA devices which support this
    feature (see systemMemorySupported device parameter)
  • Added LUID support for HIP devices. Importing DX12 and Vulkan buffers is
    now functional when using recent AMD GPU drivers on Windows

Open Image Denoise v2.3.0

17 Jun 11:54
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  • Significantly improved image quality of the RT filter in high quality
    mode for HDR denoising with prefiltering, i.e., the following combinations
    of input features and parameters:
    - HDR color + albedo + normal + cleanAux
    - albedo
    - normal
    In these cases a much more complex filter is used, which results in lower
    performance than before (about 2x). To revert to the previous performance
    behavior, please switch to the balanced quality mode.
  • Added fast quality mode (OIDN_QUALITY_FAST) for even higher performance
    (about 1.5-2x) interactive/real-time previews and lower default memory usage
    at the cost of somewhat lower image quality. Currently this is implemented
    for the RT filter except prefiltering (albedo, normal). In other cases
    denoising implicitly falls back to balanced mode.
  • Added Intel Arrow Lake, Lunar Lake, and Battlemage GPU support
  • Execute Async functions asynchronously on CPU devices as well
  • Load/initialize device modules lazily (improves stability)
  • Added oidnIsCPUDeviceSupported, oidnIsSYCLDeviceSupported,
    oidnIsCUDADeviceSupported, oidnIsHIPDeviceSupported,
    and oidnIsMetalDeviceSupported API functions for checking whether a
    physical device of a particular type is supported
  • Release the CUDA primary context when destroying the device object if using
    the CUDA driver API
  • Added OIDN_LIBRARY_NAME CMake option for setting the base name of the Open
    Image Denoise library files
  • Fixed device creation error with oidnNewDevice when the default device of
    the specified type (e.g. CUDA) is not supported but there are other
    supported non-default devices of that type in the system
  • Fixed CMake error when building with Metal support using non-Apple Clang
  • Fixed iOS build errors
  • Added support for building with ROCm 6.x
  • oidnNewCUDADevice and oidnNewHIPDevice no longer accept negative device
    IDs. If the goal is to use the current device, its actual ID needs to be
  • Upgraded to oneTBB 2021.12.0 in the official binaries
  • Training:
    • Improved training performance on CUDA and MPS devices, added --compile
    • Added --quality option (high, balanced, fast) for selecting the
      size of the model to train, changed the default from balanced to high
    • Added new models to the --model option (unet_small, unet_large,
    • Added support for training with prefiltered auxiliary features by
      passing --aux_results to and
    • Added experimental support for depth (z)

Open Image Denoise v2.3.0-beta

02 May 16:25
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  • Significantly improved image quality of the RT filter in high quality
    mode for HDR denoising with prefiltering, i.e., the following combinations
    of input features and parameters:
    - HDR color + albedo + normal + cleanAux
    - albedo
    - normal
    In these cases a much more complex filter is used, which results in lower
    performance than before (about 2x). To revert to the previous performance
    behavior, please switch to the balanced quality mode.
  • Added fast quality mode (OIDN_QUALITY_FAST) for even higher performance
    (about 1.5-2x) interactive/real-time previews and lower default memory usage
    at the cost of somewhat lower image quality. Currently this is implemented
    for the RT filter except prefiltering (albedo, normal). In other cases
    denoising implicitly falls back to balanced mode.
  • Execute Async functions asynchronously on CPU devices as well
  • Load/initialize device modules lazily (improves stability)
  • Added oidnIsCPUDeviceSupported, oidnIsSYCLDeviceSupported,
    oidnIsCUDADeviceSupported, oidnIsHIPDeviceSupported,
    and oidnIsMetalDeviceSupported API functions for checking whether a
    physical device of a particular type is supported
  • Release the CUDA primary context when destroying the device object if using
    the CUDA driver API
  • Fixed device creation error with oidnNewDevice when the default device of
    the specified type (e.g. CUDA) is not supported but there are other
    supported non-default devices of that type in the system
  • Added support for building with ROCm 6.x
  • oidnNewCUDADevice and oidnNewHIPDevice no longer accept negative device
    IDs. If the goal is to use the current device, its actual ID needs to be
  • Upgraded to oneTBB 2021.12.0 in the official binaries

Open Image Denoise v2.2.2

15 Mar 19:30
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  • Fully fixed GPU memory leak when releasing SYCL, CUDA and HIP device objects
  • Fixed CUDA context error in some cases when using the CUDA driver API
  • Fixed crash on systems with an unsupported AMD Vega integrated GPU and old

Open Image Denoise v2.2.1

28 Feb 21:17
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  • Fixed memory leak when releasing SYCL, CUDA and HIP device objects
  • Fixed memory leak when initializing Metal filters

Open Image Denoise v2.2.0

16 Feb 17:10
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  • Improved denoising quality (better fine detail reconstruction)
  • Added Intel Meteor Lake GPU support (in Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors)
  • Added Metal device for Apple silicon GPUs (requires macOS Ventura or newer)
  • Added ARM64 (AArch64) CPU support on Windows and Linux (in addition to macOS)
  • Improved CPU performance
  • Significantly reduced overhead of committing filter changes
  • Switched to the CUDA driver API by default, added the OIDN_DEVICE_CUDA_API
    CMake option for manually selecting between the driver and runtime APIs
  • Fixed crash when releasing a buffer after releasing the device

Open Image Denoise v2.2.0-rc2

06 Feb 14:16
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  • Improved denoising quality (better fine detail reconstruction)
  • Added Intel Meteor Lake GPU support (in Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors)
  • Added Metal device for Apple silicon GPUs (requires macOS Ventura or newer)
  • Added ARM64 (AArch64) CPU support on Windows and Linux (in addition to macOS)
  • Improved CPU performance
  • Switched to the CUDA driver API by default, added the OIDN_DEVICE_CUDA_API
    CMake option for manually selecting between the driver and runtime APIs
  • Fixed crash when releasing a buffer after releasing the device

Open Image Denoise v2.2.0-rc

02 Feb 12:05
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  • Improved denoising quality (better fine detail reconstruction)
  • Added Intel Meteor Lake GPU support (in Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors)
  • Added Metal device for Apple silicon GPUs (requires macOS Ventura or newer)
  • Added ARM64 (AArch64) CPU support on Windows and Linux (in addition to macOS)
  • Improved CPU performance
  • Switched to the CUDA driver API by default, added the OIDN_DEVICE_CUDA_API
    CMake option for manually selecting between the driver and runtime APIs
  • Fixed crash when releasing a buffer after releasing the device

Open Image Denoise v2.1.0

11 Oct 21:40
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  • Added support for denoising 1-channel (e.g. alpha) and 2-channel images
  • Added support for arbitrary combinations of input image data types
    (e.g. OIDN_FORMAT_FLOAT3 for color but OIDN_FORMAT_HALF3 for albedo)
  • Improved performance for most dedicated GPU architectures
  • Re-added OIDN_STATIC_LIB CMake option which enables building as a static
    (CPU support only) or a hybrid static/shared (GPU support as well) library
  • Added release() method to C++ API objects (DeviceRef, BufferRef,
  • Fixed possible crash when releasing GPU devices, buffers or filters
  • Fixed possible crash at process exit for some SYCL runtime versions
  • Fixed image quality inconsistency on Intel integrated GPUs, but at the cost
    of some performance loss
  • Fixed future Windows driver compatibility for Intel integrated GPUs
  • Fixed rare output corruption on AMD RDNA2 GPUs
  • Fixed device detection on Windows when the path to the library has non-ANSI
  • Added support for Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.0 and compatible
    open source compiler versions
  • Upgraded to oneTBB 2021.10.0 in the official binaries
  • Improved detection of old oneTBB versions