How to install & run te project
How to use
Firstly, you'll need to install git, composer (composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP), nodejs and Wamp.
Afterwards, you have to clone the project (https://github.com/B2-INFO-22-23/e-commerce-php-les-bests-benjou-et-jeremoux.git) in the www folder of Wamp and open the project
Now that the project is cloned and opened, make sure to open a terminal and run the commands:
composer install
composer dump-autoload
composer update
npm install -D tailwind
Fourthly, import the e_commerce.sql file into Wamp
Fifthly, create a file in the path src/inc/ named config.php
To finish, just put this code inside the file:
define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
define("DB_USERNAME", "root");
define("DB_PASSWORD", "");
define("DB_DATABASE_NAME", "e_commerce");
Good job ! You are now able to use the website.
The website is now running and opetational. You can access by clicking on the link : http://localhost/e-commerce-php-les-bests-benjou-et-jeremoux/
If you wanna access the admins pages, you need to update the permission of one member. Go here : http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php?route=/database/sql&db=e_commerce and write:
UPDATE T_User SET User_Permission = 1 WHERE User_ID = ID;
(replace ID by your user ID)
Now, log onto your user and go here : http://localhost/e-commerce-php-les-bests-benjou-et-jeremoux/admin
You can now do your admin job.
Thanks to Benjamin (aka CezGain) et Jeremy (aka El_jeRem) for this unbelievable website.
If you wanna ask question about the project and how did they manage to achieve it in 10 days, feel free to ask them by sending a mail or a message on discord.
Mail: [email protected]
Discord: CezGain#0860 (can be outdated)
Mail: [email protected]
Discord: watugonadu#4999 (can be outdated)