- Installs the consul-template daemon (via url or package)
- If installing from zip, you must ensure the unzip utility is available.
- Optionally installs a user (w/ or w/o group) to run it under.
- Installs a configuration file (Generally, it would be /etc/consul-template/config.hcl).
- Manages the consul-template service via upstart, sysv, or systemd.
To set up consul-template with official pre-compiled binary:
class { consul_template:
config_hash => {
consul => {
address => "",
token => "abcd1234",
Disable install and service management:
class { consul_template:
install_method => 'none',
init_style => 'unmanaged',
manage_service => false,
config_hash => {
consul => {
address => "",
token => "abcd1234",
Watch Consul key/value with ctmpl file:
consul_template::watch { 'foo':
destination => '/etc/foo/config.json',
source => '/path/to/config.json.ctmpl',
command => 'service foo restart',
Or inline template:
consul_template::watch { 'foo':
destination => '/etc/foo/config.json',
contents => '{{ keyOrDefault "foo/bar" }}',
command => 'service foo restart',
Or ERB template:
consul_template::watch { 'foo':
destination => '/etc/foo/config.json',
template => '/path/to/config.json.ctmpl.erb',
command => 'service foo restart',
template_vars => {
foo => 'bar',
Or inline ERB template:
consul_template::watch { 'foo':
destination => '/etc/foo/config.json',
inline_template => '{{ keyOrDefault "foo/<%= @template_vars["foo"] %>" }}',
command => 'service foo restart',
template_vars => {
foo => 'bar',
Depends on ruby > 1.9.3.
Open an issue or fork and open a Pull Request.