This is a backend project which links up with north_coders_news. There are several endpoints which provide data when called on.
PLease find the endpoints here
You can find the deployed backend here
To obtain a copy of this project you will need to follow the instructions below:
-On the command line change into the directory you wish to clone the project
-Copy the HTTPS clone url
-carry out the following commands:
git clone
cd north_coders_news_api
Install Node according to the instructions on
run node -v to check if node is or has been installed
Ensure that npm is fully updated, carry out the following command in your terminal:
npm install npm@latest -g
run npm -v to see if node has been installed and what version you are running
Once you have all the required software installed, go to the directory of the cloned project and run the following commmand:
npm install
This will install all the dependencies of the project
To start the project on a localhost server run the following command
npm start
To run this project locally please clone this repository,carry out in the root directory:
npm install
Then make mongoDB available with mongod
Seed the datebase:
node seed/seed.js
Start and instance of the development server by running the following command:
npm start
Now it should be available in your localhost:3000.
To run all the automated tests for this project, all you have to do is the following command in the root directory:
npm test
- node - Javascript runtime build
- npm - Javascript package manager
- express - Web framework for node.js
- Mongoose - mongodb object modeling for node.js
- Richard Thompson - Initial work - Richard Thompson
- A great thanks to NorthCoders who mentored me and assisted in my learning of javascript and its libraries/frameworks