List of books, newsletters, people and more!
Investing in yourself is a great investment anytime! I am sharing with you my personally curated resources to level up and grow to become a great engineering leader in 2024!
Topics span from software engineering, system design, data engineering, leadership, management and all the way to product and business.
There are a LOT of resources here and your time is very important. I don’t suggest to go and try to study all of the resources at once, I suggest to pick a few resources at a time from specific categories that you need the most. That’s what I do as well.
When I need to go more in details in a specific category, I choose the resources and do a deep dive on the specific topics. I also connect with certain individuals, check their posts and / or ask them questions.
Important: Before you choose which resources you wish to go more in detail, I suggest to do a retrospective of your current skillset and define where you need to improve. This will ensure you are spending your time on the most impactful things first!
List of books
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann
- System Design Interview by Alex Xu
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler
- Understanding Distirbuted Systems by Roberto Vitillo
- Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin
- Systems Analysis and Design, multiple editions and multiple authors
- Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems by Sam Newman
- Fundamentals of Software Architecture by Neal Ford and Mark Richards
- Software Architecture: The Hard Parts by Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage and Zhamak Dehghani
- Learn System Design in a Hurry, (Helping FAANG+ Software Engineering candidates land their dream job) by Evan King
List of blogs
- Meta Engineering
- AWS Architecture
- The Netflix Tech
- Apple Security Tech
- Google AI/Research
- LinkedIn Engineering
- Uber Engineering
- Engineering at Quora
- Pinterest Engineering
- Lyft Engineering
- Twitter Engineering
- Dropbox Engineering
- Spotify Engineering
- Github Engineering
- Instagram Engineering
- Canva Engineering
- Tech
- The Airbnb Tech
- Stripe Engineering
- Discord Engineering and Design
- Engineering at Microsoft
- Reddit Engineering
- Slack Engineering
- Asana
- DigitalOcean
- CloudFlare
- HelloInterview
List of newsletters
- System Design Newsletter by Neo Kim
- Byte-Sized Design by Alex Nguyen
- ByteByteGo by Alex Xu
- System Design Codex by Saurabh Dashora
People to follow on LinkedIn
List of books
- The Making of a Manager by Julie Zhuo
- The First 90 Days by Michael D. Watkins
- The Lean Manager by Andrew and Muhammad Wilkerson
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
- The Manager's Path by Camille Fournieri
- Leadership in 60 seconds by Omar Halabieh
- Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader by Herminia Ibarra
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
- Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson
- How to Lead When You're Not in Charge by Clay Scroggins
- Think Again by Adam Grant
- The Mind of the Leader by Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter
- The Culture Map by Erin Meyer
List of newsletters
- Engineering Leadership by Gregor Ojstersek
- The Caring Techie Newsletter by Irina Stanescu
- Elevate by Addy Osmani
- Leading Developers by Anton Zaides
- The Hybrid Hacker by Nicola Ballotta
- Tech World With Milan Newsletter by Dr Milan Milanovic
- The Engineering Manager by James Stanier
- Techlead Mentor by Raviraj Achar
- Developing Skills by John Crickett
- Refactoring by Luca Rossi
- Level up as a Tech Lead by Anemari Fiser
- Code.Lead.Succeed by Dariusz Sadowski
- snackableCTO by Adrian Stanek
- Crafting Tech Teams by Denis Čahuk
- The Software Engineering Times by Ryan Murphy
- The Visionary CTO by Matt Watson
- Alex Ewerlöf Notes by Alex Ewerlöf
- Sudo Make Me a CTO by Sergio Visinoni
- Programming Leadership - Marcus Blankenship by Marcus Blankenship
People to follow on LinkedIn
- Gregor Ojstersek
- Omar Halabieh
- Nicola Ballotta
- Irina Stanescu
- Luca Rossi
- Addy Osmani
- Anton Zaides
- Dr Milan Milanović
- Anemari Fiser
- Raviraj Achar
- Dariusz Sadowski
- Adrian Stanek
- Denis Čahuk
- Matt Watson
- Ryan Murphy
- Kahlil Lechelt
- James Stanier
- Alex Ewerlöf
- Itzy Sabo
- Daria Rudnik
- Tobias Mende
- Luca Sartoni
- Doug Howard, P.E.
- Anco van der Wurff
- Sergio Visinoni
List of books
- The Pragmatic Programmer by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas
- Refactoring by Martin Fowler and Kent Beck
- Why Programs Fail by Andreas Zeller
- Clean Code by Robert Cecil Martin
- Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Y. Bhargava
- Staff Engineer by Will Larson
- Modern Software Engineering by David Farley
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers
- Engineering Software Products by Ian Sommerville
- Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug
- Code Complete by Steve McConnell
- The Staff Engineer's Path by Tanya Reilly
- Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
- Clean Code Cookbook: Recipes to Improve the Design and Quality of your Code by Maximiliano Contieri
List of newsletters
- Coding Challenges by John Crickett
- Developing Skills by John Crickett
- High Growth Engineer by Jordan Cutler
- The Developing Dev by Ryan Peterman
- Level up software engineering by Caleb Mellas
- Engineer’s Codex by Leonardo Creed
- The Modern Software Developer by Richard Donovan
- Strategize Your Career by Fran Soto
- The Pragmatic Engineer by Gergely Orosz
- Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck
- Dev Details by Mike Thornton
- Front-End Focus by Mads Brodt
- Craft Better Software by Daniel Moka
- Saiyan Growth Letter by Tiger Abrodi
- The T-Shaped Dev by Petar Ivanov
- The Polymathic Engineer by Franco Fernando
- ByteSizedBets by Ankur Tyagi
- Hungry Minds 🍔🧠 by Alexandre Zajac
- Maximiliano Contieri - Software Design by Maximiliano Contieri
People to follow on LinkedIn
- John Crickett
- Jordan Cutler
- Ryan Peterman
- Caleb Mellas
- Richard Donovan
- Daniel Moka
- Tiger Abrodi
- Francisco Manuel (Fran) Soto Ramírez
- Guille Ojeda
- Gergely Orosz
- Kent Beck
- Mike Thornton
- Mads Brodt
- Roman Frolov
- Petar Ivanov
- Fernando Franco
- Ankur Tyagi
- James Willett
- Milan Jovanović
- Eric Roby
- Alexandre Zajac
- Zubin Pratap
- Sam Williams
- Maximiliano Contieri
List of books
- Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making by Tony Fadell
- Inspired: How to Create Products Customers Love by Marty Cagan
- Empowered by Marty Cagan
- Loved: How to Rethink Marketing for Tech Products by Martina Lauchengco
- Start with Why by Simon Sinek
- What Your Customer Wants and Can’t Tell You by Melina Palmer
- The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
- Transformed by Marty Cagan
List of newsletters
- Lenny's Newsletter by Lenny Rachitsky
- The Product Compass by Pawel Huryn
- Product Growth by Aakash Gupta
- Wes Kao's Newsletter by Wes kao
- Product Management IRL by Amy Mitchell
- Leah’s ProducTea by Leah Tharin
- Elena's Growth Scoop by Elena Verna
- Untrapping Product Teams by David Pereira
- The Looking Glass by Julie Zhuo
- The Beautiful Mess by John Cutler
People to follow on LinkedIn
- Pawel Huryn
- Aakash Gupta
- Wes kao
- Amy Mitchell
- Leah Tharin
- Elena Verna
- David Pereira
- Julie Zhuo
- Peter Yang
- John Cutler
List of books
- Fundamentals of Data Engineering by Matt Housley
- Data Engineering with Python by Paul Crickard
- Spark: The Definitive Guide by Matei Zaharia
- Big Data: Principles and Best Practices of Scalable Realtime Data Systems by James Warren
- 97 Things Every Data Engineer Should Know by Tobias Macey
List of newsletters
- EcZachly Data Engineering Newsletter by Zach Wilson
- SeattleDataGuy’s Newsletter by SeattleDataGuy
- Daily Dose of Data Science by Avi Chawla
- Data Engineering Central by Daniel Beach
- Data Engineering Weekly by Ananth Packkildurai
- Joe Reis by Joe Reis
- Air Around AI by Pradeep Kumar
People to follow on LinkedIn
Any resources you liked and believe would be a great addition to this list? Feel free to open a PR! I am always in the lookout for some more great books / newsletters / people to follow.