A modern Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework using Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) with Transformer-based policies for MuJoCo physics simulations. Designed for multi-GPU training, efficient experience replay, and scalable parallel execution.
✅ SAC-Based RL – Uses Soft Actor-Critic for optimal policy learning.
✅ Transformer-Based Actor – Replaces MLP with self-attention for better sequential decision-making.
✅ MuJoCo + Gymnasium – High-quality physics simulations for realistic training.
✅ Multi-GPU Training – Supports distributed RL training via Ray RLlib.
✅ Vectorized Environments – Uses Stable-Baselines3 VecEnv for fast rollouts.
✅ Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) – Smart sampling for faster, efficient learning.
✅ TensorBoard & Weights & Biases (WandB) Integration – Real-time monitoring & logging.
Follow these steps to clone, install dependencies, and run the project.
git clone https://github.com/Riffe007/SACFormer.git
cd SACFormer
python -m venv sac-env
source sac-env/bin/activate # MacOS/Linux
sac-env\Scripts\activate # Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, install core dependencies manually:
pip install torch stable-baselines3[extra] gymnasium mujoco ray rllib numpy wandb
Check that dependencies installed correctly:
python -c "import torch; import gymnasium; import mujoco; import stable_baselines3; print('✅ Installation successful!')"
Train SAC with Transformers on HalfCheetah
python training_scripts/sac_train.py
Run Parallel Training with Ray RLlib
python training_scripts/sac_ray_train.py
Perform Automated Hyperparameter Tuning
python training_scripts/sac_hyperparam_search.py
│── agents/ # SAC Agent & Models
│ ├── policy.py # Transformer-based Actor-Critic
│ ├── sac_agent.py # SAC Trainer
│ ├── q_network.py # Twin Q-Networks
│ ├── replay_buffer.py # PER Experience Replay
│ ├── train.py # Training Script
│ ├── evaluation.py # Evaluation Script
│── environments/ # Environment Setup
│ ├── gym_env.py # Gymnasium Wrapper
│ ├── vec_env.py # Parallelized VecEnv
│ ├── mujoco_envs.py # MuJoCo Integration
│── utils/ # Helper Functions
│ ├── logging.py # TensorBoard & WandB Integration
│ ├── config.py # Hyperparameter Storage
│ ├── utils.py # Common Utilities
│── training_scripts/ # Training Variants
│ ├── sac_train.py # Standard SAC Training
│ ├── sac_ray_train.py # Multi-GPU Training with Ray
│ ├── sac_hyperparam_search.py # Auto Hyperparameter Tuning
│── logs/ # Training Logs
│── models/ # Saved Models
│ ├── sac_halfcheetah.pth # SAC Weights
│── README.md # Documentation
│── requirements.txt # Dependencies
│── train.py # Main Entry Point
## 🔬 Improvements Over Previous Implementations
| **Old ARS Project** | **New SAC-Transformer Project** |
| Augmented Random Search (ARS) | ✅ Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) |
| PyBullet Environments | ✅ MuJoCo + Gymnasium |
| No GPU Support | ✅ Multi-GPU (Ray RLlib) |
| Manual Policy Updates (NumPy) | ✅ Transformer-Based Actor-Critic |
| No Parallelization | ✅ Vectorized Environments (VecEnv) |
| Basic Replay Buffer | ✅ Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) |
| Minimal Logging | ✅ TensorBoard + WandB |
🔹 Meta-RL Support (Memory-Augmented Networks).
🔹 GATO & Decision Transformer experiments.
🔹 Optimized JAX version for TPU acceleration.
🔹 Multi-Agent RL support.
✅ State-of-the-Art RL (SAC + Transformers)
✅ High-Quality Physics (MuJoCo)
✅ Parallel Training (Ray RLlib)
✅ Production-Ready Code
Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to improve the repo:
- Fork the project
- Create a new branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to your branch and submit a PR
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For issues, open a GitHub issue or reach out via email: ✉️ [email protected]