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Kelly Whitehead edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 1 revision

title: Confinement Tool Methods

Calculating Confinement uses the same formula, however, there are a couple different approaches the confinement tool uses to measure and compare the lengths of the confining margins. Here we define two methods, Concurrent Margins and Independent Margins.

Confinement by Independent Margins

Confinement by independent margins uses the lengths of the confined vs non confined margins to calculate confinement

  1. Summed:
  2. Left or Right.

The downside of calculating confinement by independent margins is that each margin does not know about the other side of the channel, which could allow double counting of confinement if both sides of the channel are confined along the same section of stream (i.e. constricted). This issue is avoided by using the Confinement by Concurrent Margins method.

Confinement by Concurrent Margins

The Confinement by Concurrent Margins method resolves the issue of double counting confinement lengths, and is more in line with the defined confinement formula.


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