- 👋 Hi, I’m @Rl0007
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
1. CRETO :-
A fully functional Blockchain wallet . It can send and receive Coins and NFTs built using web3.js, etherjs, and react-native
2. Face Mask Detector :-
3. Character :-
4. Library Management :-
This project is made to assist in Library Management process , made with Flask, React and Sqlalchemy . I even integrated frappe api to import books.
5. Facsimile :-
6. Mapview :-
Languages: Python, Javascript, Sql, HTML, CSS
Client: React, Redux, BootStrap, Leaflet.js, Ether.js, Web3.js, Next.js
Server: Node, Flask, Django, Sqlalchemy, PostGIS, Geodjango
Other: Tensorflow, OpenCV