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Beta Release 20
Robosturm edited this page Oct 3, 2021
53 revisions
- the biggest one of all the changes is support for android devices.
- Tank battle animations are now smoother
- capture animations are slightly faster and the infantry now makes a jump sound, also improved the overall animation to look way way better.
- added co-units:
- AT-Cycle
- Siege Cannon long range artillery which gains firepower when it doesn't move
- Tank Hunter a tank that destroys fuel of attacked units.
- Intel Truck a unit that can cloak allied units
- Commando special infantry that gets cloaked in mountains
- Smuggler recon type unit that can repair for free everywhere and refuel units
- Logistic Truck a resupply unit that grants money for resuppling
- Chaperon anti-air unit that can negate one indirect attack on own units per turn
- Partisan a unit that makes enemy capturing around it a lot harder
- Hot Tank a recon type unit that gains firepower based on the distance moved.
- Auto Tank a light tank unit that can attack twice each turn but only move once.
- aw dc campaign is now playable minus the last mission sunrise.
- added option to smaller the ingame menu size
- added scrollbars to the ingame menu
- added auto adjustments to the ingame menu to go to adding scrollbars if the menu doesn't fit onto the screen
- the minimap in the right upper corner now automatically focuses on the field your viewing. If the minimap doesn't fit in the area.
- improved autosaving and enabled it by default. Maps are saved at the start of every humanplayers turn and override the oldest file. Campaign progress is automatically saved everytime you enter the campaign menu after finishing a map. You can change the amount of backups per save in the options
- Pressing the cancel key or the right mouse key now correctly skips the current dialog and queued animations correctly. Contrary to left clicking/accepting which fast forwards the text to the next break point.
- added preprocessing for mask and images which removes same very rare pixel errors. They have been very common with mods on my android tests
- optimized auto capturing. It now also auto captures if an infantry got no orders and is on an enemy property
- added aw-co mod
- added aw 2-co mod
- added several aw-ds maps ported by HammerGuy. Thx for your work here. 👍
- added option to disable mouse warping to the next menu entry etc. if you don't like it.
- added a more detailed battle forecast for pc-versions which can be disabled in the options if you prefer the old aw version. Also removed the scaling of the damage info with the map zoom level.
- added the original advance wars turn limit victory rule as capture race
- added a new victory rule letting the player or team win with the highest tech and power score
- some performance improvements.... e.g. achievement menu will be a lot less laggy
- oilrigs can be placed on land
- improved ai speed on larger maps
- added mist of war a weaker version of fog of war.
- several changes to certain co's
- normal ai should be more passive and be better with units when retreating with units
- the map editor got two toggeable overlay grids which should make map creating a lot easier
- several ui's got a facelift
- general performance improvement
- several vanilla mods have been transformed to vanilla features which can be enabled/disabled
- the unloading mod has been transfered into the game rule "transporter refresh"
- flares never get the option to move and launch it's flare and the corresponding mod has been removed
- Sell and Unit Transfer mod have been moved to the vanilla game and those actions are disabled by default in addition the resell value can be adjusted in the rules menu.
- the debuff perk mod has been moved to the vanilla game
- awds movement mod. you can now select if ships can move through briges placed on sea tiles in the rule selection. Turned on by default
- added more options for customize how a co gains power
- improved power animations and unit spawnig for yukio and sensei powers
- hovercraft changes
- hovercrafts can no longer be produced in harbours
- hovercrafts lost 1 movementpoint across the board. Making them a good choice to start attacks across rivers but a bad unit on open terrain
- hovercrafts can no longer move freely over sea tiles. Instead the sea tile needs to be in a radius of 3 of a land tile which is treated as a coast-tile
- the changes/nerfs should give hovercrafts the unique use-case to attack over chokepoints created by rivers but without being overall a better solution than their ground units counterpart
- the rule-selection features an advance checkbox to toggle between the most common rules to change and all available options
- co power gaining can be customized in several ways in the rule selection. Allowing several combinations of aw-dc and aw 1-3 rule sets.
- fixed a bug that prevented loading userdata from a previous release when entering the username in the start menu
- the cloack system was in the game but never worked as intented with the introduction of several co units, this has been fixed and the system has been extended
- fixed the loading lists for several co units
- fixed a crash when killing a unit with an oozium
- fixed a bug in how postBattle-Events get called the gotAttacked flag was set wrong here.
- fixed a couple of ui glitches
- fixed war room co selection now only allows you to play with co's already bought
- fixed a crash when using detailed transparent battle animation mode
- fixed colins power not activating
- fixed lost basin in war room campaign not having a victory condition
- fixed some mod handling for required mods and incompatible mod tags
- loosing units by hq victory no longer counts against you in tech score or unit statistics
- ai no longer attacks neutral buildings when no neutral attack rule for the ai is active
- the ai should be less likely to spam transporter units and maintain a more healthy ratio to units deployed on the map.
- fixed a bug leading to sounds being played at the wrong time during animations if the animation speed is greater than 1
- fixed a bug leading to a freeze when achieving an achievement
- fixed ai attacking pipe seams in the aw2 campaign
- fixed several vanilla memory leaks in js and c++
- flares no longer can move and fire a flare rocket
- fixed awbw map importer disliking some pipe welds
- fixed rendering of buttons and the vertical scrollbar
- added an additional option to sort the units inside a unit group
- several previous static information like description, defense stars, vision etc. now get called with the unit, terrain or building which asks for the information. This should further extend the modding options of CoW.
- extended options for action_fire and offensive/defensive bonus. However this makes old mods which changed code in the ACTION_FIRE-script incompatible with this release. Also a lot of bug fixes have been done to functions previously not used by vanilla CoW
- added option to save and read variables to a seperated file
- added option to transform a unit into another one
- disabling the newly added preprocessing for mask images can be done by setting the attribute maskExtend=false for an mask image. This shouldn't be needed
- changed base image size from 24 pixels to 32 pixels. This effects mainly Walking sprites here the scaling doesn't get adjusted automatically and other animations like that of powers. This is a relative simple task by searching for 1.5 in the scripts in most cases and replace it with 2.
- overworld battle animations are now fully moddable
- all action list, loading list functions etc. have been reworked to have an array that can be extended instead of having to mod the whole function making it easier to create cross compatible mods
- you can now check for the luck mode requested by the game for the damage calculations
- added a small memory tracking system resulting in an error message upon closing the game if memory got leaked by one of the current active mods
- a lot of previous hard to mod functions which directly returned an array now return an array which is easily moddable e.g. for actions a unit can perform etc.
- With the change to qt 6.2 the sound effect system got a major rework. Due to this change the interface for playing sounds has changed.
- Previously the optional argument to the sound folder was needed to be added. In most cases this was "resources/sounds/" This argument has been removed. This effects mostly battleanimations which used an delay for playing it's sounds. Mods with sounds in the battleanimations may not work.
- The game now caches all sounds during the startup of the game making playing sounds more smoother and faster. Each sound can be cached up to 10 times (might change in the future if needed). By default a sound is cached 10 times. To improve loading speed and memory usage it's recommended to add a res.xml file to custom sounds. See the vanilla res.xml for sounds as a base
- added support for using a matrix as colortable instead of a single table row.
- error handling should create more specific log messages in the console etc.
- Upgraded to Qt 6.2
- Vanilla resources are now compiled into the exe instead of floating around. You use the console command extractResources() to extract them into a folder if you need inspirations for modding.
- Sounds and music are loaded faster
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