Nextflow pipeline for standardised mapping and variant calls on canine genomes. The pipeline take fastqs (or bams) and outputs, bams, and gvcfs for joint genotyping, followed by hard filtering.
# nextflow run --help
N E X T F L O W ~ version 0.31.1
Launching `` [shrivelled_fermi] - revision: 131a72393f
nextflow run --fastqDir <directory>
Print this help message
--fastqDir <Dir>
Directory containing fastq samples (.fq.gz)
--bamDir <Dir>
Instead of --fastqDir, directory containing bam and indexed bam sample files (.bam, .bam.bai)
--reference <file>
Genome reference file (has to be indexed)
--known <file>
File with known sites for quality calibration.
--outdir <dir>
Directory for output files
Only run the mapping steps
Slurm project to run with
The recommended way is to clone it from github:
# git clone
# cd K9-WGS-Pipeline
The pipeline requires nextflow and singularity on the target system. These are often pre-installed on HPC systems.
It is recommended that you pre-pull all the singularity images required by the workflow, there is a script in the workflow directory to help you with this, just run:
# scripts/
NB: You need to set the environment variable NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR
the location where the images where pulled (it's the singularity
subdir from
where you ran the
The pipeline requries a bwa
indexed reference genome and a picard
dictionary. These can be created like this:
# bwa index ref.fasta
# java -Xmx4g /picard/CreateSequenceDictionary.jar REFERENCE=ref.fasta OUTPUT=ref.dict
You can also do this directly through the prepulled singularity images like so:
# singularity exec singularity/NBISweden-K9-WGS-Pipeline-bwa-0.7.12.img \
bwa index ref.fasta
# singularity exec singularity/NBISweden-K9-WGS-Pipeline-picard-2.10.6.img \
picard CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=ref.fasta OUTPUT=ref.dict
# nextflow run [-resume] <options>
When running the mapping the workflow expects a --fastqDir <dir>
parameter on
the command line. This directory should contain, gzipped, paired fastq files
with R1 and R2 in their filenames respectively. Specifically the filenames of
the readfiles should match either of these glob patterns.
The known file is a bed file for quality calibration using BaseRecalibrator from the GATK toolkit.
If specifying onlyMap
no genotyping will be done.
If you already have created your mapping you can use --bamDir
instead of
to specify a directory with bam files to run from.
It is generally recommended to start it with the -resume
option so a failed
run can be resumed from where it failed once eventual errors are fixed.
For HPC systems there are two main ways of running the pipeline
Put the nextflow command in a shellscript. Apart from the standard options make
sure to run nextflow with the -profile rackhamNode
switch, by default this
profile assumes that one node has 20 cpu cores, if you want to change this edit
the conf/rackhamNode.config
file and update the cpus
parameter on line 16
and 24, also update the memory parameters so they match the local environment.
Example run:
export NXF_LAUNCHER=$SNIC_TMP # For Rackham
export NXF_TEMP=$SNIC_TMP # For Rachham
export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/home/user/.../singularity
nextflow run -resume -profile rackhamNode <project specific stuff>
And then start it with
$ sbatch
This is similar to the above, but instead you should use the -profile rackham
option (edit the file conf/rackham.config
if you want to change settings to
adjust it to your local cluster). Remember to specify the --project
to the workflow.
Since this is a very long running pipeline it is recommended that you run the
pipeline in a screen
session so you
can log out of the HPC system and log back in again and check on the status of
the run.
This is an example of how to do it:
export NXF_LAUNCHER=$SNIC_TMP # For Rackham
export NXF_TEMP=$SNIC_TMP # For Rachham
export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/home/user/.../singularity
nextflow run -resume -profile rackham --project <slurm project> <more params>
And then in the terminal
$ screen
$ ./
Then to disconnect the screen session type Ctrl-A D
, then you can safely log
out. The next time you log in, on the same login node, run:
$ screen -r
To reconnect.
The --outdir
will have the following layout
├── bam
│ ├── Sample.bai
│ └── Sample.bam
├── genotype
│ ├── all_filtered_indels_1.vcf
│ ├── all_filtered_snps_1.vcf
│ ├── all_pass_INDEL_1.recode.vcf
│ ├── all_pass_SNP_1.recode.vcf
│ ├── all_raw_INDEL_1.vcf
│ ├── all_raw_SNP_1.vcf
│ ├── all.vcf.gz
│ └── all.vcf.gz.tbi
├── haplotypeCaller
│ ├── Sample.g.vcf.gz
│ └── Sample.g.vcf.gz.tbi
└── reports
├── k9_report.html
├── k9_timeline.html
├── k9_trace.txt
├── <Sample>.flagstat
├── <Sample>.marked.metrics
├── <Sample>.post_recal_data.table
├── <Sample>_R1_fastqc.html
├── <Sample>
├── <Sample>_R2_fastqc.html
├── <Sample>
├── <Sample>.recal_data.table
├── <Sample>.stats
└── <Sample>.wgs_metrics
Most of this is fairly selfexplanatory, except for the reports directory.
The k9_*
files are information from the workflow engine about how the whole
workflow went with timings and such. Then there are one set of <Sample>*
files for each pair of fastq files that the workflow has processed with
information on how the mapping went.
First setup the testdata with scripts/
and then you can run
tests with the scripts/
# scripts/
# scripts/ singularity tiny fastq chr38
script is mostly for testing on travis but it is very
convenient to use for local tests.