This is the official demonstration project for the MatSwarm federated computing system. For details, please refer to the paper MatSwarm.
Please cite the following article if you find this code useful in your work.
title={Matswarm: trusted swarm transfer learning driven materials computation for secure big data sharing},
author={Wang, Ran and Xu, Cheng and Zhang, Shuhao and Ye, Fangwen and Tang, Yusen and Tang, Sisui and Zhang, Hangning and Du, Wendi and Zhang, Xiaotong},
journal={Nature Communications},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}
The MatSwarm federated computing system can be divided into the following four main entities:
The client primarily serves as the user's gateway to interact with the system and displays resources requested from the server on the corresponding pages.
As the system's request forwarding hub, the trusted web server interacts directly with clients above and sends corresponding requests to the blockchain and cloud servers below, facilitating data isolation. To ensure the credibility of search results and improve search efficiency, an MPT tree is used as the search data structure. The MPT tree is stored on the web server.
The cloud server is the system's data storage hub, storing logs, full text data, and managing the computation process for federated computing tasks.
The security center of the system, the blockchain is divided into three layers:
- Interface Layer: Serves as the entry point for interactions between the blockchain and other parts of the system.
- Application Layer: Responsible for implementing business logic. Chaincode (smart contracts) is the only way to create transactions in the system, serving as the sole channel for external interactions with the blockchain system.
- Service Layer: Provides fundamental services within the blockchain, including formula services, chaincode services, member services, security, and cryptographic services.
Platform: ubuntu:18.04 Setup order:
- Go project
- Python project
- Frontend project
Prerequisites Install and start docker
# Docker:
## First, update the software package: apt upgrade
##1. Install docker
sudo apt-get install -y
##2. Start docker service
sudo systemctl start docker
##3. Set to start on boot
sudo systemctl enable docker
##4. Check docker status
sudo systemctl status docker
##5. Stop docker service
sudo systemctl stop docker
##6. Check docker version:
docker version
# Install docker-compose
sudo apt install docker-compose
Install and start mongodb
# MongoDB:
# Refer to the official website:
##1. Install
sudo apt-get install gnupg curl # Install gnupg and curl
curl -fsSL | \
sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg \
# Set MongoDB package source
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg ] bionic/mongodb-org/6.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list
sudo apt-get update # Update software packages
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org # Install mongodb
##2. Run
sudo systemctl start mongod # Start
sudo systemctl status mongod # Check status
sudo systemctl enable mongod # Set to start on boot
sudo systemctl stop mongod # Stop
sudo systemctl restart mongod # Restart
mongosh # Connect to MongoDB
# Create MGE database
# use MGE
##3. Uninstall
sudo service mongod stop
sudo apt-get purge mongodb-org*
sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb
sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb
Go project (Fabric blockchain + webserver) First, run related Docker services, then run the Go service
Install golang:
wget -O go1.18.tar.gz # Download Go version 1.18
sudo ln -s /usr/local/go1.18/bin/go /usr/local/bin/go1.18 # Create symlink
sudo ln -s /usr/local/go/bin/gofmt /usr/local/bin/gofmt # Create symlink
go env -w GO111MODULE=on # Set Go mod package management
go env -w GOPROXY=,direct # Set domestic proxy
Enter the project folder
cd fabric-mge
Start the project:
Run related Docker services: Add the following information to the /etc/hosts file for domain name resolution (resolving corresponding domain addresses to localhost)
# On the first launch, go to the project's fixtures directory and execute the following command to pull related images and start the container
sudo docker-compose up -d
# In the project directory (fabric-mge/), execute the script to start Docker services
sudo ./
go mod tidy # Download related packages
cd chaincode # Download packages in the chaincode directory
go mod tidy
go mod vendor
# Return to the project root directory to build the project
go build main.go # Build the project
# Start the project
./main InitBlock # Initialize the blockchain, normally a one-stop service, this command is needed to start when generating Docker containers for the first time
./main NotInitBlock # Directly start the web server, use this command when there is a blockchain network
Python project (cloud server) Detailed process is in the project folder (fabric-mge-backend/) inside the file Install Python 3.9, MongoDB, Mosquitto
Enter the project folder
cd fabric-mge-backend/
pip3 install install -r ./requirements.txt
Configuration Changes
Change occurrences of localhost:27017 to the running address and port of MongoDB
Modify File
PYTHON_PATH changed to the absolute address of python.exe in the installed Python Change MQTT_SERVER to the running address of Mosquitto
Modify File
Change DEBUG to True
Start the Project
python3 runserver 8000
React Project (Client) It is recommended to use node version v14.19.2
Install node:
# Download the file in the /usr/local directory
sudo wget
# Unzip the file
sudo tar -zxvf node-v14.19.2-linux-x64.tar.gz
# Create a symlink in a $PATH directory (/usr/local/bin)
sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v14.19.2-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node
sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v14.19.2-linux-x64/bin/npm /usr/local/bin/npm
sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v14.19.2-linux-x64/bin/npx /usr/local/bin/npx
sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v14.19.2-linux-x64/bin/corepack /usr/local/bin/corepack
# Check if the installation was successful
node -v # Check node version
npm -v # Check npm version
# Set Taobao proxy
npm config set registry
# Enter the project folder
cd fabric-frontend/
npm install # Install dependencies
npm run dll # Simulate packaging
npm run start # Start project command
If the progress bar gets stuck at 94%, delete the dist/ folder in the root directory of the client project and then run
npm run dll
npm run start
- Start the project
Follow the process in Part 2 to complete the project setup and deployment, then open a browser and access http://localhost:18080/search to enter the homepage.
- Create Template + Data
Enter the template creation page, drag and drop dynamic container components to complete the template creation. Then enter the data creation page, select an existing template, and fill in the relevant data to complete the data creation.
- Submit Federated Computing Task
On the task release page, fill in and select the relevant information for the task, including whether to enable a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and the training dataset. Then, click "Submit" to release the task.
- Invited Organizations Accept Invitation
Invitees will receive a task release message and can view related task information. If invitees click "Accept", it means they have joined the task and will select the local training dataset.
- Initiator Starts Training
When the task publisher receives the task acceptance message from the invitees, they can click the "Start" button. All invitees who have accepted the task will start training simultaneously.
- View Training Results
After the training task starts, you can monitor the progress of the task through the task list. Once the task is completed
- Fork the repository
- Create Feat_xxx branch
- Commit your code
- Create Pull Request