What's Changed
- SUL23-648 | switch twitter bird for X icon by @rebeccahongsf in #223
- SUL23-650 | add Reservation not required to places to study with no reservation button by @rebeccahongsf in #224
- SUL23-647 | add margin bottom to Dek text by @rebeccahongsf in #226
- SUL23-596: Displays for ascending and descending events by @pookmish in #227
- SUL23-649 | remove underline from checked/selected state by @rebeccahongsf in #225
- SUL23-650 | remove margin spacing by @rebeccahongsf in #229
- SUL23-652 | adjust select list to fit text by @rebeccahongsf in #228
- SUL23-638 | scaffold on this page and related content block by @rebeccahongsf in #222
- SUL23-655 Refactor tabs to eliminate html validation errors by @pookmish in #230
- SUL23-650 | update font to match mocks by @rebeccahongsf in #231
- SUL23-649 | switch from peer-focus to peer-focus-visible for toggle underline by @rebeccahongsf in #232
- SUL23-652 | adjust filter width and margin bottom by @rebeccahongsf in #233
- SUL23-662 Created news filtering view display by @pookmish in #234
- SUL23-638 | update file and heading naming and update intersection observer config by @rebeccahongsf in #236
- SUL23-665 | resolve overlapping card image for certain breakpoints by @rebeccahongsf in #237
- SUL23-654 | swap out article for div and add article wrapper to main content by @rebeccahongsf in #238
- SUL23-664 | update to Stanford Libraries for meta data title by @rebeccahongsf in #239
- SUL23-666 | add typography to match places to study by @rebeccahongsf in #240
- Upgrade Next 15, ESLint 9, and React 19 by @pookmish in #241
- SUL23-668 | change last 12 months to last 90 days by @rebeccahongsf in #242
- Pure css to hide/show clear button on text fields by @pookmish in #243
- SUL23-663 | fix oembed width and alignment issue by @rebeccahongsf in #245
- SUL23-671 | conditionally render metadata description by @rebeccahongsf in #247
- nojira | fix media fig caption error by @rebeccahongsf in #249
- HOTFIX:SUL23-697 | add green library extended hours notice by @rebeccahongsf in #250
- SUL23-693 | fix html validation issue for social share by @rebeccahongsf in #254
- SUL23-698 | fixup about us menu item display by @rebeccahongsf in #253
- SUL23-690 | build out and configure accordion component by @rebeccahongsf in #251
- SUL23-691 | add id to branch page h1 to fix arialabelledby html validation error by @rebeccahongsf in #255
- SUL23-707 | add caption option to card by @rebeccahongsf in #258
- SUL23-700: lockup options by @jenbreese in #256
- SUL23 701 by @pookmish in #259
- SUL23-701 SUL23-703 | Adjust homepage hero banner, library location card, and default card styles by @rebeccahongsf in #260
- SUL23-707 | update image caption source by @rebeccahongsf in #261
- SUL23-701 | add homepage h1 by @rebeccahongsf in #262
- Remove duplicate link on list paragraph by @pookmish in #263
- SUL23-702 SUL23-704 SUL23-707 | Implement QA feedback by @rebeccahongsf in #264
- nojira | update readme to include PR workflow by @rebeccahongsf in #257
- SUL23-702 SUL23-704 | adjust rows spacing and sync card font-size by @rebeccahongsf in #265
- SUL23-704 SUL23-728 | adjust horizontal card spacing for lg, adjust header and update lockup in footer by @rebeccahongsf in #266
Full Changelog: 1.4.2...1.6.0