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Janus-swi: a bi-directional interface between SWI-Prolog and Python

This code implements a ready-to-use bi-directional interface to Python. As motivated by Theresa Swift, Python opens many doors for accessing resources such as graphics, machine learning and many more.

The API defined in this interface has been established as a PIP, Prolog Improvement Proposal. When the PIP is finished and published we will properly reference it. The main predicates and Python functions of this interface are compatible with the XSB Python package janus_xsb. Both janus_swi and janus_xsb implement extensions upon the agreed interface. For example, janus_swi supports SWI-Prolog dicts and defines thread synchronization between Prolog and Python.


See SWI-Prolog manual


This GIT repository is a GIT submodule of the SWI-Prolog source repository. As part of the SWI-Prolog source distribution it is used to build library(janus), a Prolog library that embeds Python. This same module can be used stand-alone to build the Python package janus_swi that embeds Prolog into Python. Loaded either way, Janus is the same and allows for mutually recursive calls between Prolog and Python.

Embedding Prolog into Python: the Python janus_swi package

If this repository is used to build the Python pip package janus_swi, we can load SWI-Prolog into Python and call predicates. For example:

>>> import janus_swi as janus
>>> janus.query_once("writeln('Hello world!')")
Hello world!
{'truth': True}

The Python package is available from PyPi as janus-swi. We currently provide a few wheels for Windows. The binaries in the Windows wheel probably supports all Python and Prolog versions that are also supported by the source. The package can be installed using pip from source on any system with CPython 3.6 or later, SWI-Prolog 9.1.12 or later and a C compiler. For compiling the C code, GCC, Clang and VS2022 have been tested. Thus, normally the package can be installed using

pip install janus-swi

SWI-Prolog is selected from the environment variable SWIPL or by finding swipl on the executable search path. On Windows, if neither of the above work, the Windows registry is examined to find the installed SWI-Prolog system (by default C:\Program Files\swipl\bin\swipl.exe).

If you installed SWI-Prolog from source, it is advised to install Janus from the packages/swipy directory in the Prolog source. The package can be installed from within this directory using

pip install .

MacOS note

When using the SWI-Prolog binary installer, the directory holding swipl inside the app must be added to PATH and the directory holding the embedded Frameworks must be added to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Using the default installation locations, the commands below should do this.

export PATH="/Applications/$PATH" export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/

After setting these variables, swipl should start the command line version of SWI-Prolog from the If DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set correctly, loading janus_swi fails.

Embedding Python into Prolog: library(janus)

Configuration and installation of library(janus) which embeds Python into Prolog is handled by the normal Prolog configuration. Building the interface requires the libraries and C headers for Python embedding to be installed. Below are the commands for installing the embedded Python engine for Ubuntu and Fedora Linux.

apt install python3 libpython3-dev   # Ubuntu
dnf install python3-devel            # Fedora

On MacOS, these files are included in the Homebrew and Macports versions of Python

On Windows, these files are included in the default installer. Configuration requires Python to appear in %PATH%.

After successful installation, running py_version/0 should result in printing relevant information on the embedded Python system.

?- py_version.
% Janus embeds Python 3.10.12 (main, Jun 11 2023, 05:26:28) [GCC 11.4.0

Using Conda

Ongoing work to get SWI-Prolog working under Conda can be found at Eventually, this work shall be merged with

As is, has been used to build the full SWI-Prolog system with Janus interface on Linux, MacOS and Windows.


MQI (Machine Query Interface)

SWI-Prolog comes bundled with MQI. MQI is initiated from Python and starts SWI-Prolog as a server. It allows calling Prolog from Python. Separated using networking, this approach is easy to install and runs with any Python version. It does not allow calling Python from Prolog, the primary reason for the existence of this package. Using networking, the latency is relatively high.


The pyswip interface uses the Python ctypes to embed Prolog into Python. Only relying on ctypes, the package is a fully portable Python package that supports a wide range of Python and Prolog versions.

Unlike this package, embedding Python into Prolog is not possible. pyswip calls Prolog, similarly than janus, using a string. However, where janus allows passing input to the goal as a dict that is transferred using the C API rather than strings, pyswip also passes the input as a string. This is slower, sensitive to injection attacks and complicated because the user is responsible for generating valid Prolog syntax. Calls from Prolog to Python are possible by defining a Prolog predicate from Python. This only seems to support deterministic predicates and it cannot pass data back to Prolog. Janus supports calling Python functions and methods directly and supports enumerating Python iterators and generators as non-deterministic goals using py_iter/2.

The overhead of Janus is roughly 5 times less than pyswip. As pyswip still sustains over 100K calls per second this is irrelevant to many applications.