A Node.js program that creates PDFs from JSON. Can be hosted as an API or GUI. It will be used to automate the creation, and delivery of invoices, contracts, quota's etc.
Have you always wanted to create invoices, contracts, quota's and more automatically? Well this tool allows you to create PDFs for free using JSON objects. All you have to do is create templates for your company, using JSON. And then you can create instances using the API, or the web GUI! All for free if you self host it!
All you have to do to deploy this for yourself assuming you've installed docker is run the following commands to get the code application onto your system:
git clone https://github.com/Safe-and-Fast-Software/PDF-Automator.git
cd PDF-Automator
Then create a copy of template.env
called .env
and fill it in.
cp template.env .env
$EDITOR .env
Now start the application:
docker compose up --detach
and that's it! You should now have it running on your server! Just connect a reverse proxy of choice to it and you're off to the races!!
To develop, all you have to do is clone the repository, fill in some environment variables and start up the container:
git clone https://github.com/Safe-and-Fast-Software/PDF-Automator.git
cd PDF-Automator
Then create a copy of template.env
called .env
and fill it in.
cp template.env .env
$EDITOR .env
Now start the application:
docker compose \
--file docker-compose.yaml \
--file docker-compose.dev.yaml \
up --force-recreate --build \
and that's it! You should now have it running on your computer! Just connect to localhost:$PORT