A collection of functions aimed at interfacing R and blast+ suite. The tidyverse package should be loaded first as the functions use some tidyverse packages as dependencies
# essential for the summarize_bl function
There are a series of functions involved in the blastinR workflow.
The make_blast_d1b
function is a wrapper for the makeblastdb
function from BLAST+.
It will generate all the files required for a BLAST database.
The infile
argument should specify the path to a fasta file containing all the sequences
to be included in the database. The outfile
argument should specify the names of all the
database files to be generated. All database files will carry the same name but will differ
in extension.
make_blast_db(infile = "PATH/TO/FILE.FASTA",outfile="my_out_file")
argument specifies which blast type would be used, the default isblastn
arguments specifies the number of threads to be used, only work with UNIX based OS, default value is 1.
blastinr(btype = "blastn", dbase = "PATH/TO/DATABASE/FILES",
A function to retrieve the hit sequence from blast search results from within R.
is a vector which holds the ID of queries to be retrieved.blast_results
parameter is the data frame output of the blastinr function.NumHitseqs
is the number of ...outfile
indicates the name and path of the output file.cut_seq
default paraemeter ...MultFiles
default parameter creates a report or adds to an existing report.
retrieve_hit_seqs(query_ids, blast_results, blastdb = "PATH/TO/FASTA/FILE",
NumHitseqs = 1, outfile= "PATH", cut_seq = TRUE,
MultFiles = FALSE, report = TRUE)
A basic workflow of the program is demonstrated below. For more information about the functions used and their parameters, refer to the function documentations above.
First, a local database must be made. In this example, spike proteins of different Coronavirus variants are used.
# Obtain sequences from GitHub
genomes_seqs <- readDNAStringSet(filepath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/idohatam/Biol-3315-files/main/SARS_MERS_coronavirus.raw_sequence.fasta")
# Write sequences into a fasta file
writeXStringSet(genomes_seqs, file = "spike_protein_seqs_SARS.fasta", format = "fasta")
After obtaining the fasta files that you wish to use as the database, use the make_blast_db function to create the database.
# create a spike protein database from the fasta file.
--- 2024-10-26 17:54:00.140211 ---
[1] "<br>"
[1] "Blast database successfully created." "Outfile name: spike_protein_seqs_SARS"
After make_blast_db function, there should be multiple files created either in the current directory or another directory specified to the funciton.
The program is now ready to run a query against a database. The code below obtains a sample dataset to run against the local database.
# obtain the sequences from GitHub
genomes_seqs <- readDNAStringSet(
filepath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/idohatam/Biol-3315-files/main/SARS_MERS_coronavirus.raw_sequence.fasta")
# write sequences into a fasta file.
writeXStringSet(genomes_seqs, file = "genomes_seqs_SARS.fasta", format = "fasta")
Note that the query sequences are nucleotides. This is important as it determines the type of blast that will be run against the database.
Since the database is a protein database and the query is nucleotide sequences, we will use blastx.
blast_output <- blstinr('blastx','spike_protein_seqs_SARS','genomes_seqs_SARS.fasta', TRUE)
The output data frame:
# A tibble: 123 × 14
qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxids
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 Bat_corona… Bat_c… 100 1258 0 0 21578 25351 12 1269 0 2545 22
2 Bat_corona… SARS_… 97.4 1262 29 1 21578 25351 12 1273 0 2481 55
3 Bat_corona… SARS-… 97.0 1262 34 1 21578 25351 12 1273 0 2467 44
4 Bat_corona… Pango… 89.7 1258 124 3 21578 25351 13 1265 0 2293 33
5 Bat_corona… SARS_… 77.7 1246 258 6 21620 25351 28 1255 0 1988 66
6 Bat_corona… SARS_… 77.6 1246 259 6 21620 25351 28 1255 0 1988 77
7 Bat_corona… Camel… 34.7 1023 587 25 22331 25219 311 1312 1.82e-159 527 11
8 Bat_corona… MERS_… 34.6 1022 589 25 22331 25219 311 1312 7.70e-159 525 99
9 Bat_corona… MERS_… 24.2 91 50 3 16822 17049 78 164 7.9 e+ 0 23.9 99
10 Bat_corona… MERS_… 34.5 1023 589 25 22331 25219 311 1312 1.91e-158 524 88
# ℹ 113 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: Range <int>
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
# Retrieve ID vector
qry_ids <- c("Bat_coronavirus")
retrieve_hit_seqs(qry_ids, blast_func, "spike_protein_seqs_SARS", 6, "prot_hit_OneFile", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
The first sequence inside the "prot_hit_OneFile" output fasta file.