Version 1.0.0 - Change log
A simple sale baner that can be scheduled to show for a set time.
- Download Banner-Time and put the '/dist/bannerTime.js' file in your site directory.
- Reference this file from a script tag below where you include Jquery.
<script src=""></script>
<script src="bannerTime.js"></script>
If you dont have JQuery in your project already, find it here.
Next you must initialise the banner.
const myBanner = new Banner()
This will create and insert the banner into your site using the default options. You should see the banner transition from 'Stop!!' to 'Banner Time!!'. -
Insert your banner settings.
const bannerSettings = {
startTime: [2019, 10, 9],
endTime: [2020, 0, 1],
CSS: {
'border-bottom': '2px solid black',
'background-color': 'darkgrey',
color: 'white',
transition: {
type: 'slide',
displayDuration: 5000,
speed: 700,
interval: 900,
const myBanner = new Banner(bannerSettings);
You can set up as many banners as you like, and the one with the most recent start time (and the 'endTime' has not yet expired) will display.
const firstBanner = {
startTme: [2019, 11, 22],
endTime: [2019, 11, 23],
bannerText: {
desktop: ['3 Days Until Xmas', 'Shop now'],
mobile: ['3 Days To Go!', 'Xmas time!'],
const secondBanner = {
startTime: [2019, 11, 23],
endTime: [2019, 11, 24],
bannerText: {
desktop: ['2 Days Until Xmas', 'Shop now'],
mobile: ['2 Days To Go!', 'Xmas time!'],
const thirdBanner = {
startTime: [2019, 11, 24],
endTime: [2019, 11, 25],
bannerText: {
desktop: ['1 Day Until Xmas', 'Shop now'],
mobile: ['1 Day To Go!', 'Delivery NOT guaranteed!'],
const myXmasBanner = new Banner(firstBanner, secondBanner, thirdBanner);
If your shop isn't GTM then be sure to set your time zone in the settings
timeZone: -8
. This will adjust any start and end times accordingly. -
Remeber to set the text output for both desktop and mobile screens.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
startTime | number array | [2019] | Individual date and time component values. Must be an array of numbers to represent the date and time. [YYYY,MM,DD,hr,min] (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond) Any missing fields are given the lowest possible value (1 for the day and 0 for every other component. |
endTime | number array | [2080] | The time the banner will finish displaying. See startTime for formatting. |
timeZone | number | 0 | Times are calculated in UTC. Time zone of the shops(servers) location should be provided for corrrect start stop times. Number between -12 and 12. |
bannerLink | string | Enter the path of your desired link. Eg. bannerLink: "/products/fidget-spinner" |
transition | object (nested..?) | The default values of; type, displayDuration, interval, speed | A nested object with the keys and values for that transition. Declare the ones you need and the rest will remain default. |
type | string | "fade" | The type of transition between each slide. |
display duration | number | 5000 | Time in milliseconds that each slide shows for before the next transition begins. |
interval | number | 800 | Time in milliseconds between the slides transition out and in. |
speed | number | 1000 | Time in milliseconds of the transitions. |
CSS | object (nested...?) | Any CSS can be added written as string key-value pairs; ** | All the CSS you want attribute to each slide. |
any CSS property | string |
PLEASE review CONTRIBUTING.markdown prior to requesting a feature, filing a pull request or filing an issue.
This projected started out by following a modal window tutorial written by Ken Wheeler. Then, in order to follow an example of an open source project, I have borrowed heavily from his Slick Slider repo. Big thanks to him and anyone else who would like to contribute.
© Alexander Wyper
Licensed under MIT License.