myGengo CSharp Library (for the myGengo API)
Translating your tools and products helps people all over the world access them; this is, of course, a somewhat tricky problem to solve. myGengo is a service that offers human-translation (which is often a higher quality than machine translation), and an API to manage sending in work and watching jobs. This is a C-sharp interface to make using the API simpler (some would say incredibly easy).
using System;
using System.Linq;
using MyGengo;
using System.Xml.Linq;
public class Job
public void CreateJob()
var mygengo = new MyGengoClient(ApiKeys.PublicKey, ApiKeys.PrivateKey, useSandbox: true);
var job = new TranslationJob("This is all kinds of awesome", "en", "ja", Tier.Standard);
XDocument response = mygengo.PostTranslationJob(job);
// response.Root.Element("response").Element("job") is your ideal response!
If you have questions or comments and would like to reach us directly, please feel free to do so at the following outlets. We love hearing from developers!
Email: ryan [at] mygengo dot com
Twitter: @mygengo_dev
If you come across any issues, please file them on the Github project issue tracker. Thanks!
This library exists due to the excellent efforts of Saqib Shaikh, who graciously donated time and effort to provide an improved C# interface for interacting with myGengo.
The library itself is licensed under a BSD-style license. See the enclosed LICENSE.txt file for more information.