This repository contains a simplified version of Splitwise system, an easy to split bills with friends and family.
- Users can register and update their profiles.
- A user's profile should contain at least their name, phone number and password
- Users can participate in expenses with other users
- Users can participate in groups.
- To add an expense, a user must specify either the group, or the other users involved in the expense, along with who paid what and who owes what. They must also specify a description for the expense.
- A user can see their total owed amount
- A user can see a history of the expenses they're involved in
- A user can see a history of the expenses made in a group that they're participating in
- Users shouldn't be able to query about groups they are not a member of
- Only the user who has created a group can add/remove members to the group
- Users can request a settle-up. The application should show a list of transactions, which when executed will ensure that the user no longer owes or recieves money from any other user. Note that this need not settle-up any other users.
- Users can request a settle-up for any group they're participating in. The application should show a list of transactions, which if executed, will ensure that everyone participating in the group is settled up (owes a net of 0 Rs). Note that will only deal with the expenses made inside that group. Expenses outside the group need not be settled.
- When settling a group, we should try to minimize the number of transactions that the group members should make to settle up.
- name
- username
- password
- description
- amount
- currency
- createdAt
- Participants
- paidBy
- paidFor
- Group
- name
- Members
- Admins
- CreatedBy
User - USERS
- id
- name
- username
- password
Expense - EXPENSES
- id - PK
- description - VARCHAR(255)
- amount - DOUBLE
- currency - VARCHAR(3)
- createdAt - DATETIME
- groupId - FK
Group - GROUPS
- id - PK
- name - VARCHAR(255)
- createdBy - FK
- createdAt - DATETIME
- groupId - FK
- userId - FK
- groupId - FK
- userId - FK
- expenseId - FK
- userId - FK
![Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 09 15 17](
- Spring Boot: For creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications.
- Java: As the main programming language.
- Model-View-Controller (MVC): For separating the application's concerns.