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A rust binding of the excellent StereoKit


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This project is a rust binding of the excellent StereoKit project


Its purpose is to improve the previous rust project

  • by abandoning the automatic bindgen to avoid the multiplication of data types and eliminate costly transmutes.
  • by implementing all the missing API calls and data types.
  • by getting closer to the C# object model.
  • by offering a framework based on winit/android-activity which takes up the ISTEPPERS of the C# framework.

This project is at an early stage so try it carefully. Right now, the only way to get the project is to get the source code from github.

Regarding your working OS, here are the target architectures you can build for:

Target: Windows x86_64 Linux x86_64 Meta Quest Linux AArch64
Windows x86_64 X with Steam Proton X
Linux x86_64 X X X X
Linux AArch64 ? ? ? X
MacOs X
Let us know if you have launched the demos on an architecture not tested here.

Download the source project:

  • git clone --recursive
  • On Linux get the following tools and dev libraries : clang cmake libx11-dev libxfixes-dev libegl-dev libgbm-dev libfontconfig-dev.
  • On Windows1 get the following tools and dev libraries : "CMake", "Visual Studio Build Tools 2022(Developpment Desktop C++)" and "DotNet SDK v8+"
  • Install the project's tools from the project directory cargo install -F event-loop --path .
  • If you want to launch the demos then:
    • compile the shaders. From StereoKit-rust directory launch cargo compile_sks
    • for Windows only and if you don't use VSCode launchers, add to the PATH environment variable the directory ./target/debug/deps

Run the project's demo on your PC's headset :

  • Make sure you have OpenXR installed with an active runtine.
  • Launch2: cargo run --features event-loop --example main_pc

Run the project's demo on your PC using the simulator

  • Launch2: cargo run --features event-loop --example main_pc -- --test

Build and create an exportable repository of project's demo for your PC

cargo build_sk_rs --example main_pc --features event-loop <the path of your exportable repository>

Run the project's demo on your Android headset (from a PC running Windows, Mac or Linux):

  • Install sdkmanager (or Android Studio if you intend to use it). You'll need a Java JDK (v17 is fine).
  • Using sdkmanager, install platform-tools(v32), latest build-tools and the latest ndk.
  • Set ANDROID_HOME environment variable to its path (this path contains the build_tools directory).
  • Set the NDK path (which ends with it's version number) into ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable.
  • Install Ninja
  • Check that adb ($ANDROID_HOME/platform_tools/adb) is connecting to your headset.
  • Install: cargo install cargo-apk (cargo-xbuild has not been tested yet).
  • Download the target: rustup target add aarch64-linux-android for most of the existing android headsets.
  • Launch: cargo apk run --features event-loop --example main

Use your own event manager (PC only - see gradle templates for an android build)

The demos above, are using winit as an event manager and interface with the OS. If you want to use your own loop and event manager, have a look to This is the shortest way to launch your first PCVR/PCMR program2: cargo run --features no-event-loop --example manual

Templates to create your own project:

There is 3 templates used to build android versions (they can also create a PCVR executable). The default choice, branch main, will use cargo-apk (like demos above). The branch gradle will let you use gradle with winit. Then the branch gradle-no-event-loop will use gradle without winit.

  • git clone -b $branch
  • If you don't clone the template project in the same directory than the StereoKit-rust project, you'll have to modify the path of the Stereokit-rust dependency.

(Temporary needs some stereokit/sk_gpu hacks on linux) Build the project's demo for Windows_x64 using GNU from Linux (and Windows and probably Mac)

  • Install mingw64-w64 (MSYS2 on windows)
  • Add the rust target gnu for windows:rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  • Temporary unavailable for linux: we need wine to compile the shaders
    • Install wine and winetricks.
    • Install needed tools and libs: winetricks corefonts d3dx9 d3dcompiler_47
  • Create a directory where necessary libs will be stored (i.e. ../x64-mingw-libs/) then add a link to the DLLs or static libs(*.a) the build will need after or during its creation. Example on Ubuntu 24.XX:
    • ln -s /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/13-win32/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll ../x64-mingw-libs/ && ln -s /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/13-win32/libstdc++-6.dll ../x64-mingw-libs/
    • or ln -s /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/13-win32/libgcc.a ../x64-mingw-libs/libgcc_eh.a
  • Launch: cargo build_sk_rs --x64-win-gnu ../x64-mingw-libs/ --example main_pc --features event-loop <the path of your exportable repository>
  • To run main_pc.exe on Linux:
    • Add a non-steam game to your library then launch it when WiVRn or SteamVR are started.
    • If you only need the simulator: wine main_pc.exe --test

Build the project's demo for Linux aarch64 from Linux x86_64

  • Install g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
  • Get the libraries libx11-dev:arm64 libxfixes-dev:arm64 libegl-dev:arm64 libgbm-dev:arm64 libfontconfig-dev:arm64. On Ubuntu 24:XX this can be done by adding a foreign architecture dpkg --add-architecture arm64 with depot To avoid errors during apt update you'll have to precise the architectures of all depots in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources
  • Add the rust target aarch64 for linux:rustup target add aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • Add a section [target.aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu] in your config.toml for setting linker = "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc"
  • Launch cargo build_sk_rs --example main_pc --features event-loop --aarch64-linux <the path of your exportable repository>

Build the project's demo for Linux x86_64 from Linux aarch64 (Not Tested)

  • The logic should be the same than previous one.
  • Launch cargo build_sk_rs --example main_pc --features event-loop --x64-linux <the path of your exportable repository>.


Submit bugs on the Issues tab, and ask questions in the Discussions tab!

The project will give you many useful links (Discord/Twitter/Blog).


This project was made possible thanks to the work of many talents on the following projects:

  • StereoKit which itself is based on valuable projects.
  • rust_mobile used for the android specific code.
  • winit used for cross-platform management.
  • openxrs nice binding of OpenXR.
  • blender for gltf files, HDRI, models and demo animations
  • gimp for icons files.
  • bitflags.
  • android_logger.
  • this_error & anyerror.
  • ... many others, more discreet, without which nothing would be possible.


  1. If you're using VsCode you can choose to use LLDB instead of GDB when testing with MSVC. For that add to your workspace settings.json: "lldb.script": { "lang.rust.toolchain": "stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" }

  2. If you're using VsCode you'll see a corresponding launcher in launch.json to debug the app. 2 3


A rust binding of the excellent StereoKit







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  • Rust 98.7%
  • HLSL 1.3%