KYC manages compliance with country and product specific rules (AML/CTF, FINRA, EMIR, and 5th EU AMLD) to efficiently onboard and maintain multi-product and multi-jurisdictional clients in retail, wealth management, commercial and institutional banking.
A full example which integrates Kagii SDK with KYCExpert SDK is available in the repository Sedicii/KYCexpert-High-Assurance-Example
- iOS 13.0 and higher
- Permissions for camera, microphone
- Internet connection
KYCExpert SDK requires permission to access the camera and microphone.
According to the Apple documentation, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, “must statically declare the intent to do so”. It is necessary to include the NSCameraUsageDescription, NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription keys in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key.
If your app attempts to access any of the device’s without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This framework can be included in your project with Carthage:
github "Sedicii/KYCExpert-iOS"
github "Alamofire/Alamofire" ~> 5.2
github "Alamofire/AlamofireImage" ~> 4.1
github "tristanhimmelman/ObjectMapper" ~> 4.2
binary ""
binary ""
binary ""
Or you can include it manually downloading the latest version.
The KYC Expert SDK has only one method to start or continue the KYC process, to make it as simpler as we can.
These are the available variables to configure the SDK:
Name | Required | Description |
API_ENDPOINT | true | The API_ENDPOINT of the backend used by the SDK, Sedicii will provide it. |
API_KEY | true | The API_KEY of the backend used by the SDK, Sedicii will provide it. |
REDIRECT_URI | true | The REDIRECT_URI of the authorised domain, Sedicii will provide it. |
To configure the SDK in iOS a plist type file is needed located in the main project path, with name KYCExpert-Info.plist (make sure it is added in BuildPhases > Copy Bundle Resources), which can have the following values:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Start/continue method requires the authorisation code from Kagii.
Once finished the KYC process the SDK will give control back to the application using the native approach of each platform.
KYCExpert.startKYC(code: <Kagii response code>) { kycResult in
switch kycResult {
case .failure(let error):
// error - KYCExpertError
case .success(let status):
// status - KYCExpertStatus
KYCExpertError is the enumeration which is returned in case of failure in the KYCExpert.startKYC
public enum KYCExpertError: Error {
case error(String)
KYCExpertStatus is the enumeration which is returned in the successfull case in the KYCExpert.startKYC
public enum KYCExpertStatus: String {
case started
case ongoing
case finished
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .started:
return L10n.sdkProcessStarted
case .ongoing:
return L10n.sdkProcessOngoing
case .finished:
return L10n.sdkProcessFinished
This is an example where KYCExpert SDK is integrated together with the Kagii SDK. The reponse.code
received from Kagii SDK is used as input for the initialisation of the KYCExpert SDK.
Kagii.userInterface.logInUser { kagiiResult in
switch kagiiResult {
case .failure(let error):
// TODO - your code
case .success(let response):
// In the success case your send response.code to KYCExpert SDK
KYCExpert.startKYC(code: response.code) { kycResult in
switch kycResult {
case .failure(let error):
// TODO - your code
case .success(let status):
// TODO - your code
The full appearance definition is available in appearance section.
Defining the appearance. This is way to define your own appearance.
KYCExpert.appearance = ClientAppearance.appearance
Also, it is allowed the definition of the logging level as follows:
KYCExpert.loggerLevel = .none
where the logging levels are:
case none
case error
case warning
case info
case debug
case trace