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ShipEngine .NET SDK

The official ShipEngine SDK for .NET

Nuget (with prereleases) GitHub

Build Status Coverage Status

OS Compatibility

Nuget Page

Quick Start

Install ShipEngine .NET SDK via the .NET CLI.

dotnet add package ShipEngine

The only configuration requirement is an API key.

using ShipEngineSDK;

var shipengine = new ShipEngine("___YOUR_API_KEY_HERE__");


This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.1.202501091801
  • SDK version: 3.0.0
  • Generator version: 7.7.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Frameworks supported

  • .NET Standard >=2.0
  • .NET Core >=2.0
  • .NET Framework >=4.6.2


API Method Description
Account CreateAccountImage Create an Account Image
Account DeleteAccountImageById Delete Account Image By Id
Account GetAccountSettingsImagesById Get Account Image By ID
Account ListAccountImages List Account Images
Account ListAccountSettings List Account Settings
Account UpdateAccountSettingsImagesById Update Account Image By ID
Addresses ParseAddress Parse an address
Addresses ValidateAddress Validate An Address
Batches AddToBatch Add to a Batch
Batches CreateBatch Create A Batch
Batches DeleteBatch Delete Batch By Id
Batches GetBatchByExternalId Get Batch By External ID
Batches GetBatchById Get Batch By ID
Batches ListBatchErrors Get Batch Errors
Batches ListBatches List Batches
Batches ProcessBatch Process Batch ID Labels
Batches RemoveFromBatch Remove From Batch
Batches UpdateBatch Update Batch By Id
CarrierAccounts ConnectCarrier Connect a carrier account
CarrierAccounts DisconnectCarrier Disconnect a carrier
CarrierAccounts GetCarrierSettings Get carrier settings
CarrierAccounts UpdateCarrierSettings Update carrier settings
Carriers AddFundsToCarrier Add Funds To Carrier
Carriers DisconnectCarrierById Disconnect Carrier by ID
Carriers GetCarrierById Get Carrier By ID
Carriers GetCarrierOptions Get Carrier Options
Carriers ListCarrierPackageTypes List Carrier Package Types
Carriers ListCarrierServices List Carrier Services
Carriers ListCarriers List Carriers
Downloads DownloadFile Download File
Insurance AddFundsToInsurance Add Funds To Insurance
Insurance ConnectInsurer Connect a Shipsurance Account
Insurance DisconnectInsurer Disconnect a Shipsurance Account
Insurance GetInsuranceBalance Get Insurance Funds Balance
Labels CreateLabel Purchase Label
Labels CreateLabelFromRate Purchase Label with Rate ID
Labels CreateLabelFromShipment Purchase Label with Shipment ID
Labels CreateReturnLabel Create a return label
Labels GetLabelByExternalShipmentId Get Label By External Shipment ID
Labels GetLabelById Get Label By ID
Labels GetTrackingLogFromLabel Get Label Tracking Information
Labels ListLabels List labels
Labels VoidLabel Void a Label By ID
Manifests CreateManifest Create Manifest
Manifests GetManifestById Get Manifest By Id
Manifests GetManifestRequestById Get Manifest Request By Id
Manifests ListManifests List Manifests
PackagePickups DeleteScheduledPickup Delete a Scheduled Pickup
PackagePickups GetPickupById Get Pickup By ID
PackagePickups ListScheduledPickups List Scheduled Pickups
PackagePickups SchedulePickup Schedule a Pickup
PackageTypes CreatePackageType Create Custom Package Type
PackageTypes DeletePackageType Delete A Custom Package By ID
PackageTypes GetPackageTypeById Get Custom Package Type By ID
PackageTypes ListPackageTypes List Custom Package Types
PackageTypes UpdatePackageType Update Custom Package Type By ID
Rates CalculateRates Get Shipping Rates
Rates CompareBulkRates Get Bulk Rates
Rates EstimateRates Estimate Rates
Rates GetRateById Get Rate By ID
ServicePoints ServicePointsGetById Get Service Point By ID
ServicePoints ServicePointsList List Service Points
Shipments CancelShipments Cancel a Shipment
Shipments CreateShipments Create Shipments
Shipments GetShipmentByExternalId Get Shipment By External ID
Shipments GetShipmentById Get Shipment By ID
Shipments ListShipmentRates Get Shipment Rates
Shipments ListShipments List Shipments
Shipments ParseShipment Parse shipping info
Shipments ShipmentsListTags Get Shipment Tags
Shipments ShipmentsUpdateTags Update Shipments Tags
Shipments TagShipment Add Tag to Shipment
Shipments UntagShipment Remove Tag from Shipment
Shipments UpdateShipment Update Shipment By ID
Tags CreateTag Create a New Tag
Tags DeleteTag Delete Tag
Tags ListTags Get Tags
Tags RenameTag Update Tag Name
Tokens TokensGetEphemeralToken Get Ephemeral Token
Tracking GetTrackingLog Get Tracking Information
Tracking StartTracking Start Tracking a Package
Tracking StopTracking Stop Tracking a Package
Warehouses CreateWarehouse Create Warehouse
Warehouses DeleteWarehouse Delete Warehouse By ID
Warehouses GetWarehouseById Get Warehouse By Id
Warehouses ListWarehouses List Warehouses
Warehouses UpdateWarehouse Update Warehouse By Id
Warehouses UpdateWarehouseSettings Update Warehouse Settings
Webhooks CreateWebhook Create a Webhook
Webhooks DeleteWebhook Delete Webhook By ID
Webhooks GetWebhookById Get Webhook By ID
Webhooks ListWebhooks List Webhooks
Webhooks UpdateWebhook Update a Webhook

Legacy Methods

These methods have been deprecated in favor of the methods listed above, but are still in the SDK.

  • CreateLabelFromRate - When retrieving rates for shipments using the GetRatesWithShipmentDetails method, the returned information contains a RateId property that can be used to purchase a label without having to refill in the shipment information repeatedly.
  • CreateLabelFromShipmentDetails - Purchase and print a label for shipment.
  • GetRatesWithShipmentDetails - Given some shipment details and rate options, this method returns a list of rate quotes.
  • ListCarriers - Returns a list of carrier accounts that have been connected through the ShipEngine dashboard.
  • TrackUsingLabelId - Track a package by its associated label ID.
  • TrackUsingCarrierCodeAndTrackingNumber - Track a package for a given carrier and tracking number.
  • ValidateAddresses - Indicates whether the provided addresses are valid. If the addresses are valid, the method returns a normalized version based on the standards of the country in which the address resides. If an address cannot be normalized, an error is returned.
  • VoidLabelWithLabelId - Void a label with its Label ID.
  • CreateManifests - Create a shipment manifest.


Contributions, enhancements, and bug-fixes are welcome! Open an issue on GitHub and submit a pull request.


To build the project locally on your computer:

  1. Clone this repo
    git clone

  2. Install .NET 8.x

  3. Install dependencies
    dotnet restore

  4. Build the code
    dotnet build

  5. Format the code
    dotnet format

  6. Run the tests
    dotnet test

    By default, the test project targets all supported frameworks, if your environment only supports a subset then you can specify in the CLI.

    dotnet test -f net8.0

Generating from OpenAPI

To regenerate the SDK from the OpenAPI spec, you will first need to get the latest version of the spec. It can be downloaded from the online documentation and should be saved to ./generation/swagger.json. Then run npm run generate from the command line. This will regenerate all the API calls and models, but not docs or tests.

The templates for autogeneration were extracted using the command:

npx @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli author template -g csharp -o generation/templates


Create a fork for your changes.

Update the Changelog with any relevant new features or bug fixes and modify the packageVersion property in the .openapitools.json file to match the new version.

In the ShipEngine.csproj file, update to the desired version (using semantic versioning) and push to your fork.

Run dotnet format

Create a pull request.

Once a member of the ShipEngine team reviews your PR and it's merged to main, the build pipeline will handle all the necessary github tags and nuget packaging and publishing.