For Course CS205 'C/C++ Program Design' at Southern University of Scicence and Technology, China.
The model is trained to perform face classification (face or background).
Detailed definition: Visualization: netron (NOTE: you need an extra softmax layer in the end of the pipepline to output scores in the range [0.0, 1.0]).
More about face_binary_cls.cpp
- This file is ported from
defined in - Input: a tensor,
- loaded from an 128x128 RGB image as RGB format and shape [channel, height, width],
- normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0].
- Output: a tensor of shape [2]. Softmax is needed to compute confidences in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Values at index 0 stands for the confidence of background, while index 1 for face's.
- Note that the parameters of batch normalization is already combined to convolutional layers' when porting weights (
) to.cpp
A convolutional layer (conv) is defined as [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size_h, kernel_size_w]
. It takes a tensor of shape [in_channels, in_h, in_w]
as input, and ouputs a tensor of shape [out_channels, out_h, out_w]
. Example of locating weights and bias for a 3x3 kernel at out_channels=o, in_channels=i
for (int o = 0; o < out_channels; ++o) {
for (int i = 0; i < in_channels; ++i) {
// weights
// first row of the kernel
float kernel_oi_00 = conv0_weight[o*(in_channels*3*3) + i*(3*3) + 0];
float kernel_oi_01 = conv0_weight[o*(in_channels*3*3) + i*(3*3) + 1];
float kernel_oi_02 = conv0_weight[o*(in_channels*3*3) + i*(3*3) + 2];
// and more rows ...
// bias
float bias_oi = conv0_bias[o];
A fully connected layer (fc) is defined as [out_features, in_features]
. It takes a tensor of shape [N, in_features]
as input, and outputs a tensor of shape [N, out_features]
. N
is denoted as batch size, batch size is 1 if there is one image in the input. The calculation of the fully connected layer is matrix multiplication.
For the weight matrix of shape [out_features, in_features]
, you can iterate as follows:
for (int o = 0; o < out_features; ++o) {
for (int i = 0; i < in_features; ++i) {
float w_oi = fc0_weight[o*out_features + i];
// ...
float bias = fc0_bias[o];
We provide a demo to output scores as an example in using PyTorch (>= 1.6.0) and two sample images in samples. You can run the demo and get the confidence scores as follows:
$ python --img ./samples/face.jpg
bg score: 0.007086, face score: 0.992914.
$ python --img ./samples/bg.jpg
bg score: 0.999996, face score: 0.000004.
Thank Yuantao Feng to train the model.