To understand what factors contributed most to employee turnover.
To perform clustering to find any meaningful patterns of employee traits.
To create a model that predicts the likelihood if a certain employee will leave the company or not.
To create or improve different retention strategies on targeted employees.
The implementation of this model will allow management to create better decision-making actions.
The ‘HR Analytics’ data set , obtained from Kaggle Website, This data set comprises ten attributes and 15000 tuples.
Link : https://www.kaggle.com/jacksonchou/hr-analytics
Dataset features and the definitions of each one:
- satisfaction_level: Level of satisfaction {0–1}.
- last_evaluationTime: Time since last performance evaluation (in years).
- number_project: Number of projects completed while at work.
- average_montly_hours: Average monthly hours at workplace.
- time_spend_company: Number of years spent in the company.
- Work_accident: Whether the employee had a workplace accident.
- left: Whether the employee left the workplace or not {0, 1}.
- promotion_last_5years: Whether the employee was promoted in the last five years.sales: Department the employee works for.
- salary: Relative level of salary {low, medium, high}.
- Programing Language: Python
- Web Development Framework: Flask
- Machine Learning Libraries: Scikit-Learn, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib,seaborn, XGBoost
- Machine Learning Algorithm: KMeans, Random Forest and XGBoost
- Database: SQLite3
Imported necessary libraries and dependencies and visualized different plots to understand more about data
• Checked correlation by viewing heatmap and pair plot to see multiple pairwise bivariate distributions
• Handled categorical data using statistical methods and separated the data into train and test
• Used grid search CV for hyper parameter tuning and exposed the data to Xgboost algorithm
• Created flask app and and exposed it as REST API to retrain and predict new set of data in future
• Created UI page to predict the result for single record from screen
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Siddhantshelake/Employee-Retention-Prediction.git
Go to the project directory
cd Employee-Retention-Prediction
Install requirements
pip install requirements.txt
Start the application
run main.py