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Gizmotronn committed Apr 13, 2022
1 parent 664c97a commit 9102a85
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Showing 122 changed files with 17,435 additions and 0 deletions.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions dashboards/dao/contracts/Decentradit.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;

contract Decentradit {

event PostCreated (bytes32 indexed postId, address indexed postOwner, bytes32 indexed parentId, bytes32 contentId, bytes32 categoryId);
event ContentAdded (bytes32 indexed contentId, string contentUri);
event CategoryCreated (bytes32 indexed categoryId, string category);
event Voted (bytes32 indexed postId, address indexed postOwner, address indexed voter, uint80 reputationPostOwner, uint80 reputationVoter, int40 postVotes, bool up, uint8 reputationAmount);

struct post {
address postOwner;
bytes32 parentPost;
bytes32 contentId;
int40 votes;
bytes32 categoryId;

mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => uint80)) reputationRegistry;
mapping (bytes32 => string) categoryRegistry;
mapping (bytes32 => string) contentRegistry;
mapping (bytes32 => post) postRegistry;
mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => bool)) voteRegistry;

function createPost(bytes32 _parentId, string calldata _contentUri, bytes32 _categoryId) external {
address _owner = msg.sender;
bytes32 _contentId = keccak256(abi.encode(_contentUri));
bytes32 _postId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_owner,_parentId, _contentId));
contentRegistry[_contentId] = _contentUri;
postRegistry[_postId].postOwner = _owner;
postRegistry[_postId].parentPost = _parentId;
postRegistry[_postId].contentId = _contentId;
postRegistry[_postId].categoryId = _categoryId;
emit ContentAdded(_contentId, _contentUri);
emit PostCreated (_postId, _owner,_parentId,_contentId,_categoryId);

function voteUp(bytes32 _postId, uint8 _reputationAdded) external {
address _voter = msg.sender;
bytes32 _category = postRegistry[_postId].categoryId;
address _contributor = postRegistry[_postId].postOwner;
require (postRegistry[_postId].postOwner != _voter, "you cannot vote your own posts");
require (voteRegistry[_voter][_postId] == false, "Sender already voted in this post");
require (validateReputationChange(_voter,_category,_reputationAdded)==true, "This address cannot add this amount of reputation points");
postRegistry[_postId].votes += 1;
reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category] += _reputationAdded;
voteRegistry[_voter][_postId] = true;
emit Voted(_postId, _contributor, _voter, reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category], reputationRegistry[_voter][_category], postRegistry[_postId].votes, true, _reputationAdded);

function voteDown(bytes32 _postId, uint8 _reputationTaken) external {
address _voter = msg.sender;
bytes32 _category = postRegistry[_postId].categoryId;
address _contributor = postRegistry[_postId].postOwner;
require (voteRegistry[_voter][_postId] == false, "Sender already voted in this post");
require (validateReputationChange(_voter,_category,_reputationTaken)==true, "This address cannot take this amount of reputation points");
postRegistry[_postId].votes >= 1 ? postRegistry[_postId].votes -= 1: postRegistry[_postId].votes = 0;
reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category] >= _reputationTaken ? reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category] -= _reputationTaken: reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category] =0;
voteRegistry[_voter][_postId] = true;
emit Voted(_postId, _contributor, _voter, reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category], reputationRegistry[_voter][_category], postRegistry[_postId].votes, false, _reputationTaken);

function validateReputationChange(address _sender, bytes32 _categoryId, uint8 _reputationAdded) internal view returns (bool _result){
uint80 _reputation = reputationRegistry[_sender][_categoryId];
if (_reputation < 2 ) {
_reputationAdded == 1 ? _result = true: _result = false;
else {
2**_reputationAdded <= _reputation ? _result = true: _result = false;

function addCategory(string calldata _category) external {
bytes32 _categoryId = keccak256(abi.encode(_category));
categoryRegistry[_categoryId] = _category;
emit CategoryCreated(_categoryId, _category);

function getContent(bytes32 _contentId) public view returns (string memory) {
return contentRegistry[_contentId];

function getCategory(bytes32 _categoryId) public view returns(string memory) {
return categoryRegistry[_categoryId];

function getReputation(address _address, bytes32 _categoryID) public view returns(uint80) {
return reputationRegistry[_address][_categoryID];

function getPost(bytes32 _postId) public view returns(address, bytes32, bytes32, int72, bytes32) {
return (

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions dashboards/dao/contracts/DecentraditCopy.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragam solidity ^0.8.9;

contract Decentradit {
event PostCreated (bytes32 indexed postId, address indexed postOwner, bytes32 indexed parentId, bytes32 contentId, bytes32 categoryId);
event ContentAdded (bytes32 indexed contentId, string contentUri);
event CategoryCreated (bytes32 indexed categoryId, string category);
event Voted (bytes32 indexed postId, address indexed postOwner, address indexed voter, uint80 reputationPostOwner, uint80 reputationVoter, int40 postVotes, bool up, uint8 reputationAmount);

struct post {
address postOwner;
bytes32 parentPost;
bytes32 contentId;
int40 votes;
bytes32 categoryId;

mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => uint80)) reputationRegistry; // Address points to the user, and their reputation is stored individually based on each category
mapping (bytes32 => string) categoryRegistry;
mapping (bytes32 => string) contentRegistry; // Stores the content of each post -> stored as URLs in IPFS as strings
mapping (bytes32 => post) postRegistry; // Stores the post information as "post" content type
mapping (address => mapping (bytes32 => bool)) voteRegistry; // Has the user voted on this post?

// Creating posts
function createPost(bytes32 _parentId, string calldata _contentUri, bytes32 _categoryId) external {
address _owner = msg.sender; // The owner of the post is the sender of the transaction
bytes32 _contentId = keccak256(abi.encode(_contentUri));
bytes32 _postId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_owner, _parentId, _contentId));
contentRegistry[_contentId] = _contentUri;
postRegistry[_postId].postOwner = _owner;
postRegistry[_postId].parentPost = _parentId;
postRegistry[_postId].contentId = _contentId;
emit ContentAdded(_contentId, _contentUri);
emit PostCreated (_postId, _owner, _parentId, _contentId, _categoryId);

// Voting on posts
function voteUp(bytes32 _postId, uint8 _reputationAdded) external {
address _voter = msg.sender;
bytes32 _category = postRegistry[_postId].categoryId;
address _contributor = postRegistry[_postId].postOwner;
require (postRegistry[_postId].postOwner != _voter, "You cannot vote your own posts"); // Prevent users from voting on their own posts on the network
require (voteRegistry[_voter][_postId] == false, "Sender has already voted in this post");
require (validateReputationChange(_voter,_category,_reputationAdded) == true, "This address cannot add this amount of reputation points");
postRegistry[_postId].votes += 1;
reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category] += _reputationAdded;
voteRegistry[_voter][_postId] = true;
emit Voted(_postId, _contributor, _voter, reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category], reputationRegistry[_voter][_category], postRegistry[_postId].votes, true, _reputationAdded);

function voteDown(bytes32 _postId, uint8 _reputationAdded) external {
address _voter = msg.sender;
bytes32 _category = postRegistry[_postId].categoryId;
address _contributor = postRegistry[_postId].postOwner;
require(voteRegistry[_voter][_postId] == false, "Sender has already voted in this post");
require (validateReputationChange(_voter,_category,_reputationTaken) == true, "This address cannot take this amount of reputation points");
postRegistry[_postId].votes >= 1 ? postRegistry[_postId].votes -= 1: reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category] =0;
voteRegistry[_voter][_postId] = true;
emit Voted(_postId, _contributor, _voter, reputationRegistry[_contributor][_category], reputationRegistry[_voter][_category], postRegistry[_postId].votes, false, _reputationTaken);

// Validating the change in reputation
function validateReputationChange(address _sender, bytes32 _categoryId, uint8 _reputationAdded) internal view returns (bool _result) {
uint80 _reputation = reputationRegistry[_sender][_categoryId];
if (_reputation < 2 ) {
_reputationAdded == 1 ? _result = true: _result = false;
} else {
2**_reputationAdded <= _reputation ? _result = true: _result = false; // // Amount of reputation you can add/take away is based on logs (power/sqrt of 2s/multiplesOf2)

// Creating a category
function addCategory(string callldata _category) external {
bytes32 _categoryId = keccak256(abi.encode(_category));
categoryRegistry[_categoryId] = _category;
emit CategoryCreated(_categoryId, _category);

function getContent(bytes32 _contentId) public view returns (string memory) {
return contentRegistry[_contentId];

function getCategory(bytes32 _categoryId) public view returns (string memory) {
return categoryRegistry[_categoryId];

function getReputation(address _address, bytes32 _categoryId) public view returns(uint80) {
return reputationRegistry[_address][_categoryId];

function getPost(bytes32 _postId) public view returns(address, bytes32, bytes32, int72, bytes32) {
return (

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